View Feature Request
Enemy Count
Feature #: 509
File: CyrHUD
Date: 08/10/14 12:07 AM
By: SageSmith
Status: Feature not possible
Could you add a feature that counts the number of enemies within the radius of the Keep and it's resources? I do not think it can read the map of an apposing time. So, maybe make it so that as the names register on your screen (presumable through attacks and/or as you mouse over them) the count would update beside the keep name. It would increased based on the number of 'unique names identified. Then split the count based on their alliance.

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By: Sasky - 08/10/14 03:02 PM
This really isn't possible, except in a rather limited sense. You can only get a count of players by a mouseover. Even friendly players you don't know except for your own group. Even after mouseover, it really wouldn't help as you don't know where they are afterwords.

Compared to just looking at the screen, it'd be less accurate, more work (both to code and to use), and slower.