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    View Feature Request
    Show different Icons for Junk Item
    Feature #: 58
    File: Research Assistant (Find your researchable items)
    Date: 04/09/14 12:39 PM
    By: Wolfoot
    Status: Wont add Feature
    I realy like your research assistant, and I think he can help a lot for inventory management too.

    When we are using more than 1 style of armor (light + medium + heavy) we can had a lot of items and a lot are researchable.

    One way to fix that is set as junk items we don't use.
    But in the craft view we can't see the junk items.

    With your addon we can see the researchable items, and with a little modification, we can Add a different color for Junk Item (or a new column maybe) it could help a lot :)

    with local bIsJunk = IsItemJunk(bagId, slotIndex)
    we can know if one item is junk or not.

    I don't know how to add a column, but this code works :)

    From your lua
    local function AddResearchIndicatorToSlot(control)
    	local bIsJunk = IsItemJunk(bagId, slotIndex)
    	if(magicTrait) then
     	    -- Item is searchable
    		if(ownedTraits[magicTrait] and ownedTraits[magicTrait] > 1 ) then
    			indicatorControl:SetColor(1, 1, 0, 1)
    			if(bIsJunk) then
    			    -- if junk, red
    			    indicatorControl:SetColor(1, 0, 0, 1)
    				-- if not junk, blue
    				indicatorControl:SetColor(0, 1, 1, 1)
    		-- Item is already known
    		if(bIsJunk) then
    		    -- if junk, orange
    		    indicatorControl:SetColor(1, 0.5, 0, 1)
    			-- if not junk, green 
    			indicatorControl:SetColor(0, 1, 0, 1)

    But I'm sure you can do really better than me :)

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    By: ingeniousclown - 04/13/14 03:36 PM
    This isn't a bad idea, but Research Assistant is not an inventory management add-on.
    By: Wolfoot - 04/15/14 11:18 AM
    I understand, but if we pass 2x more time between the inventory and the forge to know if we realy need to break the item... it's not really interesting.

    You addon is great for the bank and inventory, but with my modifications, I sort what I can break or not realy faster. Without that, the addon lost something.

    But as you wish thanks anyway for your work