View Feature Request
Innocents Attack Toggle Upon Getting Attacked
Feature #: 710
File: Troublemaker (Thief and Murderer)
Date: 02/18/16 05:10 PM
By: babylon
Status: Under Review
Can we get an auto attack innocents ON toggle for if we get caught stealing and the NPC attacks us? So make another option as well as the existing auto attack innocents toggle for when we get KOS by guards.

Just had this happen (NPC attacked me when I was caught stealing) and at time hadn't set an attack ON hotkey, would be nice as an automatic toggle ON option if possible, was left faffing around trying to find the control option to set a hotkey while they got free hits in (too slow, couldn't find it in time) :3

Not sure why the NPC attacked me....maybe I was too close *shrug* :)

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By: DeanGrey - 02/21/16 01:24 AM
I will try to take a look soon. I just relocated so I am still getting things unpacked but I should be able to do something. Please be patient. I actually had this issue myself that you describe and I thought I fixed it but it must of slipped my mind. It is quite a hilarious thing when it happens, huh?
By: DeanGrey - 04/01/16 07:55 AM
Just confirmed this issue. Finally getting back into the swing of things. I will try to have something up soon. Stay tuned.
By: babylon - 04/12/16 02:10 AM
Awesome, ty

Can you also please take a look at the other "feature request" I made? I love this addon, and it'd be nice to give it all the bells and whistles it deserves :3