Immersive Interactions Addendum
Plans: add compatibility for Khajiit Speak, add color pre-set palettes, and get user feedback

Working on: [s]integrating response icons similar to the defunct addon UX Dialog[/s] (done), testing conversation special cases for bugs or odd behavior, [s]restoring the custom NPC nameplate from a previous DelaySubs build[/s] (done), and finally updating the old logo to the new addon name

update: 1.3.3+ - fixed the vertical divider being visible

changes: 1.3.3rc3 introduces a lot of changes to the settings, including much more control over colors.

coming soon: [s]ability to restore settings defaults[/s] (done), configurable numbering method (not yet) [s]and separator[/s] (done) for dialog responses[s], and an alternative name display for NPC's during dialog[/s] (done); possible features include: pre-set color palettes (not yet), [s]global/character settings profiles[/s] (done); aspirational feature in the future: dialog camera positioning/zoom/angle options.