[Server] Donation or What server is the addon author playing on?
I'm playing on the EU PC megaserver.
If you like to contact me or donate something for my invested time, write me an ingame message or use the ingame mail to
I already own an account on the NA Megaserver, but I'm rarely logged in there.
If you want to donate something please "get in contact with me here on ESOUI" first so I login on the NA server in time to get your ingame mail. Write me an ingame message or use the ingame mail to
I'm primary collecting bears of all kind (mounts, pets, other collections) if you want to donate something via crowns or similar but I'm happy with whatever you like to donate ingame.

If you want to donate something outside the game get in contact with me via private message here on www.esoui.com and send it to "Baertram" please.

Thank you for your interest and support! It's mostly appreciated.