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My AddOns
Welcome to my portal! Here you'll find the news and schedules for uploading/updating addons and other projects. Feel free to submit feedback and bug reports here!
Hey guys! Now that the holidays are over, school has started back up for me again and that means slow updates for Gold!

Here's my goal:

Wednesdays: Bug Patches
Sundays or Mondays: +0.1 version.
End of Month: New Feature Patch

Wish me luck!
12/28/16 03:37 AM by: TheSpyridon
I hope all you wonderful people had a fantastic holiday. I did! I spent it sick, but met some fun people to run stuff with in game.

Anyways, Winter Quarter and work are starting up again real soon so I'll try to get out weekly updates. I have some new plans for Gold! and I also have a couple other addons that I'd like to put together.


12/23/16 05:21 PM by: TheSpyridon
Got it done really early! 0.6 is out!

Now you can track your overall gold stats! Just head on over to the Currency tab of the inventory section to take a glance!
Decided to actually do something productive and rewrote the details processing to make adding new ones quicker and easier. Also bugs a plenty have been fixed, but there probably are still plenty to find and work out.

Thank you guys for your support!
12/21/16 12:48 PM by: TheSpyridon
Well, I'm out with a nasty head cold. Updates might be slower than usual, but I'll try to get one out by tomorrow. If nothing else, after Christmas, I'll be full force into it again.