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DolgubonSetCrafterWindowLeftCraft_Clicked:3: function expected instead of nil
Bug #: 2326
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter
Date: 09/29/18 10:12 AM
By: gshillitani
Status: Awaiting Feedback
I've searched the forums, maybe not well enough? But I can't find anything regarding this error:

DolgubonSetCrafterWindowLeftCraft_Clicked:3: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
DolgubonSetCrafterWindowLeftCraft_Clicked:3: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud, button = 1, ctrl = false, alt = false, shift = false, command = false </Locals>|r

After the automatic crafting queue did not take place, I unchecked the auto option and tried to craft it manually in the addon, and I received that error.

Any ideas?

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By: Dolgubon - 09/29/18 10:32 AM
Please make sure you have the latest version. If you do have the latest version, then try uninstalling and reinstaling it.
By: gshillitani - 09/29/18 05:37 PM
I do have the latest version. I uninstalled both set crafter and writ crafter and reinstalled them manually (instead of minion) just in case that had anything to do with it. When I selected the traits in the set crafter window and clicked on Add To Queue I got this:

user:/AddOns/DolgubonsLazySetCrafter/Crafter.lua:158: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/DolgubonsLazySetCrafter/Crafter.lua:158: in function 'isTraitKnown'
|caaaaaa<Locals> station = 1, pattern = 11, trait = 16, setIndex = -1, known = true, number = 1 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/DolgubonsLazySetCrafter/Crafter.lua:177: in function '(anonymous)'
user:/AddOns/DolgubonsLazySetCrafter/Crafter.lua:196: in function 'applyValidityFunctions'
|caaaaaa<Locals> requestTable = tbl, attribute = "Set", table = tbl, params = tbl </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/DolgubonsLazySetCrafter/Crafter.lua:411: in function 'addPatternToQueue'
|caaaaaa<Locals> patternButton = ud, i = 4, shallowTwoItemCopy = user:/AddOns/DolgubonsLazySetCrafter/Crafter.lua:304, comboBoxes = tbl, requestTable = tbl, pattern = 11, station = 1, trait = 17, traitTable = ud, level = 50, isCP = true, setIndex = -1, quality = 2, craftMultiplier = 1, i = 1, requestTableCopy = tbl, CraftRequestTable = tbl, returnedTable = tbl </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/DolgubonsLazySetCrafter/Crafter.lua:431: in function 'DolgubonSetCrafter.compileMatRequirements'
|caaaaaa<Locals> patternButtonSelected = true, i = 4 </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/DolgubonsLazySetCrafter/Crafter.lua:442: in function 'DolgubonSetCrafter.craft'
DolgubonSetCrafterWindowLeftAdd_Clicked:4: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud, button = 1, ctrl = false, alt = false, shift = false, command = false </Locals>|r