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04/13/14 12:40 PM by: Sharp
I have changed the way DuraMeter calculates Overall durability so that it's better and has less chance to break. I also changed the background and made it toggleable. The addon has now fulfilled all of the requirements I set for it when in development and will probably not take on any more changes.

All Requirements
  • Display overall condition of items equipped.
  • On hover, show a list of each equipped item's durability.
  • Able to save posision of window between sessions.
  • Remove or enable the background of the main frame.
Sharp's Avatar
04/07/14 07:49 AM by: Sharp
DuraMeter will now save it's position. I think I am just going to remove the background all together on the overall durability frame as well.
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04/04/14 08:46 PM by: Sharp
Hey all!

I have added a new feature so that when you hover over the Item Durability box, it will display a window with each individual item's durability. Hope you enjoy.

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04/04/14 08:56 AM by: Sharp
Hey all,

I am working off and on on enhancements to my DuraMeter Addon. I enjoy playing the game at the moment, so I usually cut out some time to sit and work on it, and then I play the game.

Currently, I am working on added Saved Variables, so you can move it and when you log back in it will stay in the position you moved it to.

Also, I am working on when you hover over it it will display the individual items durability in a list.

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04/04/14 08:54 AM by: Sharp
Welcome to Sharp's new author portal. This is where you can find my news, report bugs, submit feature requests, read the faq and more. Thanks for stopping by!