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11/23/14, 11:44 PM   #6
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 613
Ok, couldn't sleep so had some more time to look at it, here is "A" problem I see. This seems to be the one causing the most lag.
A zillion edits, sorry I hate type-o's and grammar mistakes and I make tons of them.

One of the problems is with libFilters

In this click of a single inventory tab libFilters runs all of this:

Side note: Edit: See my next post about Advanced Filters on this problem. I didn't dig this deep into it, there may be a reason, but you might also want to look at: Why is libFilters Unregistering AdvancedFilters_Dropdown_fitler twice in a row, then registering it, then unregistering it again, then registering it again ? It also shows the AdvancedFilters_Button_Filter being unregistered twice in a row, then reregistered?

All of that is in a single click of an inventory tab and those are supposed to be unique filter ID's are they not? so it has to be the same thing its unregistering & registering multiple times correct?
The main problem is updating the filter list after every single register & unregister event. It processes every single slot like 20-30 ?more? times (I got tired of counting them) in the click of a single button. If even more addons were using this or you guys were registering multiple (more) filters it would probably crash users instantly.
I'm not sure why everything is registered & unregistered all of the time....why aren't filters just registered, left in a table & called when needed...
Anyhow It can be fixed doing this (not saying its ideal, I'm no expert here)

The main idea would be to just zo_calllater the UpdateFilteredList() and put a lock on it..
So set a flag, I called it updateSet (as in the update is set to process), when its true a zo_calllater has already been made for the UpdateFilteredList() to run after however long.
This gives all filters a chance to register/unregister before it runs. So that UpdateFilteredList() only needs to run once.

First make a new local variable for our lock flag in libFilters:
Lua Code:
  1. local updateSet = false
That tells us whether or not an UpdateFilteredList(..) has already been called with a zo_calllater (to run sometime in the future). This way if the lock flag is already set, we wont keep calling UpdateFilteredList() over & over for no reason. You probably want to adjust the time, i put 100ms in there just as a random number to test it.

Changes: function libFilters:RegisterFilter( filterId, filterType, filterCallback )
Warning: Spoiler

Changes: function libFilters:UnregisterFilter( filterId )
Warning: Spoiler

** Do note I would make sure you call
Lua Code:
  1. -- This line
  2. updateSet = false
  3. -- before calling this line
  4. UpdateFilteredList(filterType)
This way if something has already called RegisterFilter or UnRegisterFilter while the UpdateFilteredList is running...the new register/unregister event will have a chance to call another zo_calllater'd UpdateFilteredList because it will miss the....UpdateFilteredList that is already in progress.

If you called updateSet = false after calling UpdateFilteredList() something could slip through the cracks.
wow...I hope that made sense :P

P.S. And don't forget, this should be local !
Lua Code:
  1. -- in libfilters.lua
  2. -- this should be local
  3. filters = libFilters.filters

Last edited by circonian : 11/25/14 at 12:49 AM.
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