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Skill bars have wrong class since update
Bug #: 2176
File: Dressing Room 2018
Date: 02/13/18 01:55 AM
By: Kelinmiriel
Status: Unconfirmed
All my nightblade skills seem to have been converted to warden after the update. I updated addons after 5pm EST then signed on to the game, so I started with the right version.

Thank you very much for providing this addon, it's extremely helpful! I haven't checked my other characters yet.

I thought you'd want to know about this. If you have any questions, let me know. Thanks!

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By: code65536 - 02/13/18 09:15 AM
Make sure you had actually updated the addon successfully. If you open the settings panel for the addon (Settings > Addons > Dressing Room), it should say 0.8.0. I've gotten reports from people who think that they have the latest version via Minion, but somehow Minion did not actually install the new version, and they're still using the old version.
By: Kelinmiriel - 02/13/18 08:27 PM
Thank you very much! I wondered about that. In game, it said the version was 0.6 something? So Minion hadn't updated it at all?

Anyway, I got it all straightened out by exiting game, uninstalling the addon then reinstalling it, using Minion. My skill bars are back to normal!

Even though your addon isn't the problem, perhaps leave this here in case anyone else has the problem, so they'll know how to fix it?

So happy to have my setups back again! Yay!