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Possible addon related error - Murkmire patch
Bug #: 2338
File: Loot Log
Date: 10/22/18 10:36 AM
By: Andrea
Status: Unconfirmed
Hello, i just received this error, but unsure if it's related to the addon, thanks in advance !

EsoUI/Ingame/ZO_Loot/Loot.lua:323: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Ingame/ZO_Loot/Loot.lua:323: in function 'ZO_Loot:UpdateLootWindow'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = tbl, name = "Blacksmith's Crate X", actionName = "", isOwned = false </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/ZO_Loot/Loot_Shared.lua:35: in function 'UpdateLootWindow'
|caaaaaa<Locals> name = "Blacksmith's Crate X", targetType = 2, actionName = "", isOwned = false </Locals>|r