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Duplicates not recognized in storage alt
Bug #: 4390
File: Research Assistant (Find your researchable items)
Date: 10/08/23 03:55 PM
By: Michaleo
Status: Awaiting Feedback
I have a single character for all crafting and research. I have a second character to store items for future research. The storage character does not notice duplicates in its bag. Is this supposed to work?

Account-wide same research characters is on. I have logged on to both characters multiple times. I removed and reinstalled and confirmed everything is up-to-date.

BTW, I wish there was a way to distinguish a duplicate that you decide should be kept from a unique item.

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By: Baertram - 10/08/23 03:58 PM
I guess your chosen addon was the wrong one? It was set to "IntelliJ IDEA Autocompletion" :-)
But I think you are talking about "Research Assistant" here?
By: Baertram - 10/08/23 04:03 PM
>Account-wide same research characters is on
I guess this is your 1st character your are currently researching with then?

>The storage character does not notice duplicates in its bag. Is this supposed to work?
Do you have a more concrete xmaple for me please?
Crafting type?
Item 1 itemlink (right click item and say "Send to chat", then mark all with mouse and CTRL+C to copy it, then CTRL+V here to paste the itemlink?
Item 2 which you say is a duplicte itemlink?

What did you setup in the settings to be searched for items and what is your priority set there? Bank>Inventory>house bank? Or what order?
