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New Bank Stacking Issue
Bug #: 516
File: X4D Bank
Date: 04/29/14 03:24 PM
By: undarl
Status: Fixed
Possibly as a side effect of the stacking fix implemented in the most recent version, I'm currently seeing that Trait Gems and Style Materials auto-deposited by X4D Bank are not being stacked with others already present. This was not happening previous to the latest version.

I have not tested it with other types of stacks as I didn't have any on hand. If I do so, I'll add notes.

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By: undarl - 04/29/14 06:11 PM
Update: it's kind of a weird two-step process, it seems. On deposit, it works as mentioned above. If I close and reopen the bank, though, they stack. Feel free to close this.
By: wilson0x4d - 05/02/14 06:27 PM
interesting, yeah I just confirmed this is an issue.

I'll try and work on this over the weekend, see if I can't improve the move+stack behavior, maybe reduce the amount of stacking which occurs.
By: wilson0x4d - 05/05/15 04:57 AM
this has been resolved for some time, closing bug