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Updated: 07/17/20 04:58 AM
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Stonethorn (6.1.5)
Greymoor (6.0.5)
Updated:07/17/20 04:58 AM
Created:08/17/18 09:15 AM
Monthly downloads:269
Total downloads:69,514
Categories:Discontinued & Outdated, Bags, Bank, Inventory, Combat Mods, Map, Coords, Compasses, PvP
The Elder Bar  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 10.0.3
by: SimonIllyan, Eldrni
The Elder Bar

Required Libraries

What is it?
This addon adds an information bar on the screen, chocked full of information gadgets that update in real-time. Gadgets can be easily dragged and dropped in whatever order you prefer, you can set thresholds, go practically textless, allowing the icons themselves to tell you what you need to know. There are tons of options to configure each gadget.

Main Features
  • The Elder Bar can be unlocked, dragged, and dropped wherever you'd like it.
  • Individual gadgets can be unlocked, dragged, and dropped in any order.
  • It's actually two bars in one: you can have different icons on the bar while playing PvE content than you do in PvP.
  • Every gadget has options to display information however you like it. Want to go without text at all? Go for it! Want to set custom thresholds to warn you about weapon charges? Sure, it does that too. Want things to pester you when your durability goes too low? It can even handle that.
  • Timers can be automatically hidden when not in use. No need to clutter up the bar if you're not actually researching things, waiting for a cooldown timer, or you're not a vampire, right?
  • Every gadget has a tooltip that can display even more information, just by pointing at it with the mouse.
  • The Elder Bar can hide itself automatically, if that's your thing. Choices include talking to NPCs, visiting the bank, crafting, and more.
  • The bar can be scaled from 50% to 150% of it's normal size. You can also set bar opacity and the font.
  • Want to know when you're actually in combat? An optional setting turns the bar red when you are in combat.
  • Track mount training times across multiple characters. You can choose whether to track a character or not. Automatically stops tracking characters with mounts at maximum.
  • Track gold across multiple characters. You can choose whether to track a character or not.
  • Icons come in two variations: classic white and color. All icons have been fine-tuned to match. You won't find a mismatch assortment of colored icons, which makes seeing what's going on that much easier.
  • Sometimes coloring text just isn't enough to grab your attention. There are six different pulse settings to draw your attention to gadgets, when a critical threshold has been met: fade in, fade out, fade in/out, slow blink, fast blink, or none.
Report Issues/Request Features

Gadget List
  1. Alliance Points
  2. Bag Space
  3. Bank Space
  4. Blacksmithing Research Timer
  5. Bounty/Heat Timer
  6. Clock
  7. Clothing Research Timer
  8. Durability
  9. Enlightenment
  10. Experience
  11. Event Tickets
  12. Fast Travel Timer
  13. Food/Drink Buff Timer
  14. FPS
  15. Gold (updated)
  16. Kill Counter
  17. Latency
  18. Level / Champion Points
  19. Location / Coordinates
  20. Jewlery Crafting Research Timer
  21. Memory Usage
  22. Mount Timer
  23. Mundus Stone
  24. Sky Shards
  25. Soul Gems
  26. Tel Var Stones
  27. Thief's Tools
  28. Transmute Crystals
  29. Unread Mail
  30. Vampirism
  31. Weapon Charge/Poison Count
  32. Woodworking Research Timer
  33. Writ Vouchers
10.0.3 2020-07-17

* Added missing icons for Jewelrycrafting and Latency.
* Added missing reload warning icon to settings when toggling bumping the compass, action, and health bars.


10.0.2 2020-07-15

* Removed the vampirism level information until I can determine what is wrong with it. Stages and stage timers are working correctly, so I'm leaving them in.


10.0.1 2020-07-14

* Fixed the Zip archive directory structure. It was missing the outer "TEB" directory.


Release 10.0.0 2020-07-14
* Added new gadget: Vampirism
* Added new gadget: Bounty/Heat Timer
* Added new gadget: Mundus Stone

General Settings:
* The font can now be changed for gadget text.
* Consolidated pulse options so that one option controls all gadgets.
* The bar can be moved to a different layer so that it either appears on top of, or under, other parts of the UI.
Clock Gadget:
* Added new display option to the Clock gadget to display calculated ingame time as well as local time.
Research Timers:
* The number of free research slots for each crafting vocation can now be displayed on the bar.
* The trait being researched will now be displayed when hovering over a research timer.
* Updated the icons so they are clearer and have more color variations.
* Updated level gadget to include unspent champion points total.
* Added new display options to the Durability gadget that will display the piece that is most damaged, it's cost, and durability.

* Fixed an issue with research timers which would display nothing if "display only shortest timer" and there was an unused research slot.
* Disabling the option to bump the compass/resource bars/action bar will now cause a reload of the UI, as intended. When bumping is disabled, other addons can now freely move the compass/resource bars/action bars without throwing errors related to anchors.
* Tooltips will no longer flicker when the bar is on the bottom of the screen and will be positioned properly.
* Tooltips should now appear on top of most UI elements.
* Fixed an issue that prevented champion points from displaying properly in the level gadget when the player was below level 50 (thanks fostot!).

Release 9.3.1 2020-05-02
* Fixed a bug with event tickets introduced in 9.3.0 where the icon/text would remain red even after falling below the "danger" threshold.


Release 9.3.0 2020-04-27
* Bumped up API version.
* Externalized the libraries.
* Added new pulse option, "None", which will prevent all blinking/fading.
* Added thresholds and display options to the "Event Tickets" gadget.


Release 9.2.0 2019-10-16
* Added an option that will allow players to set the bar width to full screen or dynamic. Dynamic width more tightly fits the gadgets on the bar.
* Added an additional timer option, to show "short" timers. Short format timers will display either days and hours, hours and minutes, minutes and seconds, or just seconds, depending on how much time is left.
* Updated LibAddonMenu to the latest version.
* Updated LibStub to the latest version.
* Fixed a bug related to counting items in the player's bags. This often caused soul gems to display improperly, or not at all.
* Scaling the bar should now display crisp icons and text.
* The configuration menu for The Elder Bar has been reworked to use submenus, to make sections easier to find.


Release 9.1.0 2019-10-03
* Added support for Necromancer class.
* Created missing white variants for all class icons.
* Added an option to show/hide the lock/unlock messages that usually go to chat.
* Dropped support for black and white icons, as black and white icons looked almost identical to white icons.
* Updated APIVersion to current API.
* Updated LibFoodDrinkBuff to most recent version.


Release 9.0.5 2019-02-26
* Updated API version.
* Cleaned up some internal dependencies.


Release 9.0.4 2019-02-15
* Fixed an issue preventing the gold tracker from updating, introduced in 9.0.0.


Release 9.0.3 2019-02-13
* Fixed a crashing issue introduced in 9.0.2.


Release 9.0.2 2019-02-13
* Fixed an issue with weapon charge/poison gadget when no weapons were equipped.


Release 9.0.1 2019-02-08
* Fixed the LocalPlayer shenanigans in the Gold and Mount Timer gadgets.


Release 9.0.0 2019-02-06
New Gadgets:
* Food/Drink Buff Timer

New Features:
* Mount Timer gadget: will now track multiple characters.
* Gold gadget: will now track multiple characters.

New Options:
* Experience gadget: added two new options to display actual experience needed instead of a percentage.
* Weapon Charge gadget: Track weapon poison when applied to a weapon.

* Fixed gender encoding issue for character and location names.
* Weapon Charge: fixed issue that prevented the gadget from displaying the weapon charge of the weapon currently being used.


Release 8.0.3 2019-01-11
* Fixed an issue with research timers displaying "115d" when the "Show Shortest Timer Only" option was selected.
* Fixed an issue with research timers so that the word "free" would be displayed if any research slots were open when the "Show Shortest Timer Only" option was selected.
* Made open slots more obvious by changing the "--" to the word "free" to indicate free slots.


Release 8.0.2 2019-01-05

* Fixed an issue with the "slots free" display preference for the Bank gadget.


Release 8.0.1 2019-01-04

* Fixed an issue that prevented Enlightenment thresholds from being disabled.


Release 8.0.0 2019-01-01

New Gadgets:
* Unread Mail
* Event Tickets

New Features:
* Colored icon indicators. Icons will turn red, yellow, or green depending on the state of the gadget, based on the thresholds you've set.
* Reworked many tooltips to provide more information.

New Options:
* Mount Timer has new options for drawing the player's attention. The gadget can be automatically hidden if training has been maxed.
* Thresholds added to the Enlightenment gadget. Enlightenment gadget can automatically hide itself when there is no enlightenment to spend.
* Research timers now have an option to show only the shortest timer.
* There are now five different pulse settings to draw your attention: fade in, fade out, fade in/out, slow blink, fast blink.

Removed Settings:
* Removed some redundant settings from Thief's Tools gadget relating to inventory.


Release 7.6.1 2018-12-15

* Fixed an issue that prevented bag/bank gadget from updating.


Release 7.6.0 2018-12-01

New Features:
* Bag Space, Bank Space, Weapon Charge, and Durability gadgets have a new setting that will pulse the gadget when a critical threshold is reached.

New Settings:
* New setting to hide the mount training timer automatically when mount is fully trained.
* New setting for mount timer to display timer exactly or simply.


Release 7.5.0 2018-11-24

New Features:
* Text can be toggled on or off for each gadget.
* Icons now come in three varieties: white, color, and grayscale.
* Players can now display unspent champion points.
* The bar can be scaled from 50% to 150% of its normal size.

New Settings:
* Added an additional choice to the bags gadget to display only free slots.

* Fixed an issue with durability, which would cause an error message to be displayed until armor was repaired.

Other Changes:
* Cleaned up things behind the scenes.
* Fixed some misspellings.


Release 7.4 2018-11-02


* Fixed an issue with durability throwing errors when repair costs got over 999 gold.


Release 7.3 2018-11-01


* Fixed an issue with PvP gadgets not being cleaned up in the addon settings file.


Release 7.2 2018-11-01


* Fixed an issue where the addon would crash when the ESO durability API calls didn't return a number for cost.
* Fixed an issue with the Fast Travel timer tooltip that was causing Lua errors to be displayed.


Release 7.1 2018-10-28


* Fixed an issue that was preventing dragging and dropping of the writ vouchers gadget from working properly.
* Fixed an issue with the fast travel timer that causing errors to be displayed on screen.


Release 7 2018-10-28

New Gadgets:
* Fast Travel
* Kill Counter
* Enlightenment

New Features:
* Players can now define a different set of gadgets for PvE and PvP. The bar will automatically switch between the sets when entering/leaving battlegrounds/Cyrodiil.
* Gadgets now have drag and drop re-ordering.
* The bar can now be dragged to any position on the screen.

New Settings:
* Added setting for locking and unlocking the The Elder Bar.
* Added key binding for locking and unlocking The Elder Bar.
* Added setting for locking and unlocking the gadgets.
* Added key binding for locking and unlocking the gadgets.
* Added new settings to Alliance Points gadget. Players can now choose to display points gained per hour and points gained during session.
* Added settings for the fast travel gadget.
* Numbers can now be formatted with a thousands separator to make numbers more easily readable.

* Settings will no longer be wiped when upgrading to a new version of The Elder Bar.
* Fixed bug in all "simple" mode timer to make them more accurate.
* Reworked the clock icon so it matches all the others.


Release 6 2018-10-06
New Gadgets:
* Location / Coordinates
* Memory Usage
* Thief's Tools
New Settings:
* Added settings for the location gadget.
* Added settings for the thief's tools gadget.
* Added settings for the addon memory gadget.
* The Durability gadget has additional display preferences to show repair kits in your possession.
* The infamy meter will now be bumped upward along with the action bar, health/stamina/magicka bars when the bar is positioned at the bottom of the screen.


Release 5 2018-09-25
New Gadgets:
* Weapon Charge
New Settings:
* Players can now choose to bump up the action bar and magicka, health, and stamina indicators when the bar is positioned at the bottom of the screen.
* Combat indicator now has its own opacity setting.
* Players can now choose how to display their level when below the maximum level of 50.
* Players can now choose how to display their level when at the maximum level of 50.
* Players can now choose how to display FPS.
* Players can now choose how to display weapon charges remaining.
* Players can now choose how to display bag space.
* Players can now choose how to display bank space.
* Added a new display setting to Sky Shards: "collected/total needed (unspent skill points)"
* Bumped up the API version. The Elder Bar is ready for Murkmire!
* Reduced the number of API calls being made, which could lower latency and increase FPS on some systems.
* Changed how the bar is centered when centered to reduce jitter.
* Currency tooltips will also now include an icon of each currency to help identify it.
* Equipped items are now run through a routine that will attempt to correct improper capitalization and trailing control characters when viewing durability and weapon charge tooltips.
* The combat indicator will appear at the same location as the bar, instead of always at the top of the screen.


Release 4.1 2018-09-14
* The combat indicator will now disappear when out of combat at the expense of a yet another cyclical API call. The indicator will also now honor the bar opacity as intended.


Release 4 2018-09-13
New Gadgets:
* Equipped items durability.
* Research Timers.
* Bank Space.
* Latency
New Settings:
* Players can now choose in what order gadgets display.
* Players can choose how to display item durability.
* Players can choose how to display the research timers.
* Players can choose how to display gold.
* The bar can now indicate when the player is in combat.
* Tooltips have been reworked so that they are more useful.
* "Telvar Stones" spelling has been corrected to "Tel Var Stones".
* Fixed vertical alignment of gadgets.
Removed Gadgets:
* Removed the completely useless Character Name gadget. Character name has been implemented into the Level/Champion Points gadget tooltip.


1.15 2018-08-31
* Fixes telvar stones/writ vouchers/transmutation crystal icons still being displayed even when turned off.


1.14 2018-08-30
* The Elder Bar should no longer produce errors on German or French clients.
* Updated how soul gems are detected.


1.13 2018-08-28
New Gadgets:
* Soul Gems
* Sky Shards / Unspent skill points
New Settings:
* Players can now choose how to display the soul gems in their possession.
* Players can now choose how to display the sky shards they have collected.
* Currencies were split up into individual gadgets and they can each be turned on and off.
* Fixed layering issue. The bar should now be underneath all other addons, crafting panels, etc.


1.07 2018-08-22
New Gadgets:
* Clock - Displays current local time.
New Settings:
* Players can now choose to display the Current Time in 12 or 24 hour format.
* Players can now toggle pieces of information on and off.
* Icons are now slightly larger (and hopefully easier to see).
* Changed "bump compass" option to on/off switch.
* Added MIT license to addon directory.
* Clarified "bump compass" setting text.


1.00 2018-08-17
First released version
Archived Files (35)
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Unread 04/10/20, 10:07 AM  

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Talking TEBv2 without Libs and blinking.

Hey again,

TEB now without internal Libs!

many thanks Baertram, I really appreciate your help.

Download TEBv2 without Libs and blinking.

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Unread 04/09/20, 02:44 AM  

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Talking TEB without disturbing blinking!

Hey all,

seems like this Addon is dead, dont know it for sure, but since i cant find it on Github,
Link is dead, and if i shorten the url to the user, there are only 2 apps,
but has nothing to do with ESO....

So i decided to edit the blicking feature out of this addon and it simply works without disturbing blinking from now on.

Download to my edited version without blinking.

the only thing what i leave untouched are the internal Library's such as AddonMenu2 and Libstub,
my basic coding skills are not enough to edit/change the code so it works with the external,
my last try was a total disaster and the addon was dead.....

Got no errors at all, was listed under addons, but settings were not working
and the addon wont show up ingame anymore...

Okay here is the zip of TEB without disturbing blinking, it was sometimes a pain in the ass to be an epiletic,
i can be lucky that such blinking wont trigger it at all, only give me headaches....

Maybe Baertram can look what changes are needed to get the libs external.
I'm trying my best to understand and use the info's, but i have no luck to
code the libs out of the addons and use external libs, maybe i will understand it this time with TEB,
what changes are needed to make the Addon fully working with external libs.

Just change the txt was no help and my try's to change the code to use the external libs were a disaster
but i'm willing to learn how to change everything so it will work for sure.....

I think with a better manual to address all these addon changes lately and descripe how the things works now
and what is needed to makes these changes, step by step without getting frustated
when it will not work after hours of code changing and you do not know why it will not work.

Also if i did exactly what is described till today on esoui, most is so basic and can only be useful with
advanced coding knowleage, mostly there will come up more questions than answers...

Thanks you so much in advance

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Unread 03/30/20, 02:07 AM  

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hello ,that is possible to add vampire stage and mundus stone please ??
Last edited by Haddes47 : 03/30/20 at 02:08 AM.
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Unread 03/02/20, 10:16 AM  
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Was just coming to report the same thing~
You can temp 'fix' it by commenting out TEB.buffs() on line 3976 in TEB.lua, just change it to:
I assume this will disable the food/drink buff timer, until the real fix is out.

Originally Posted by Akopian Atrebates
I have used this for a long time. Today it started giving me errors.

user:/AddOns/TEB/TEB.lua:3620: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/TEB/TEB.lua:3620: in function 'TEB.buffs'
user:/AddOns/TEB/TEB.lua:3976: in function 'TEB.OnUpdate'
TEBTop_Update:3: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud, time = 1783.1500244141 </Locals>|r
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Unread 03/01/20, 02:41 AM  
Akopian Atrebates

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I have used this for a long time. Today it started giving me errors.

user:/AddOns/TEB/TEB.lua:3620: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/TEB/TEB.lua:3620: in function 'TEB.buffs'
user:/AddOns/TEB/TEB.lua:3976: in function 'TEB.OnUpdate'
TEBTop_Update:3: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud, time = 1783.1500244141 </Locals>|r
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Unread 02/09/20, 04:33 AM  
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Hi! I Like your addon! I want to make a proposal. I noticed the AP and AP/H are counted from the actual amount of the current char. The problem is, that disposal into bank and buying something with AP reduces the AP and AP/H. You could circumvent this by registering a function for event EVENT_ALLIANCE_POINT_UPDATE to count the ap and only count if events reason was not CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_BANK_WITHDRAWAL or CURRENCY_CHANGE_REASON_VENDOR. You can find such code in addon APMeter for example.
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Unread 01/11/20, 12:59 PM  
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Thank you for the addon! It's great!

Would it be possible to add color coded warning colors for Event Tickets when close to the 12 ticket cap?
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Unread 12/17/19, 07:43 AM  

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Re: New foods

Originally Posted by Achroi
Thank you for a great addon, how ever I have a suggestion, since the 3 new food appeared they do not show up in the bar buff food cool down, is it a matter for you to add or something me as user to configure somewhere?
I think it's the library LibFoodDrinkBuff that needs updating or try to install the newest version. In v11 the new recipes are added (e.g. Bewitched Sugar Skulls).
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Unread 10/30/19, 03:53 AM  

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New foods

Thank you for a great addon, how ever I have a suggestion, since the 3 new food appeared they do not show up in the bar buff food cool down, is it a matter for you to add or something me as user to configure somewhere?
Last edited by Achroi : 10/30/19 at 03:54 AM.
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Unread 10/29/19, 05:32 AM  

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Thank you for this addon. I play with a gamepad and it works flawlessly. Invaluable tool.

Edit. A suggestion from a gamepad user. The only time I need to use a mouse to hover for a tooltip is when I repair my gear. I look for the item which costs most to repair.
It would be great if there was a gadget for that (apart from the current Durability). A new one would just show the piece that costs most to repair e.g. Feet 126g or Head 133g etc. Could use the same format and colors as in Durability tooltip.
Last edited by Infixo : 10/29/19 at 05:42 AM.
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Unread 10/28/19, 02:56 AM  

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Not really working as shown

I saw this and thought it'd be a great replacement for my current bar that I use, Wykkyd Toolbar.

However, none of the icons show up, the research slots don't show as "0/1", like how many slots used out of how many slots available and there are no colored text, except the bag and bank space texts. All other text is white, even though it's set as "color".
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Unread 10/16/19, 11:03 AM  
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Version 9.2.0 Released

Released a new version today.
  • Added an option that will allow players to set the bar width to full screen or dynamic. Dynamic width more tightly fits the gadgets on the bar.
  • Added an additional timer option, to show "short" timers. Short format timers will display either days and hours, hours and minutes, minutes and seconds, or just seconds, depending on how much time is left.
  • Updated LibAddonMenu to the latest version.
  • Updated LibStub to the latest version.
  • Fixed a bug related to counting items in the player's bags. This often caused soul gems to display improperly, or not at all.
  • Scaling the bar should now display crisp icons and text.
  • The configuration menu for The Elder Bar has been reworked to use submenus, to make sections easier to find.
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Unread 10/13/19, 07:21 PM  
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I'll see what I can do with all this.

And yes, I don't think Eldrni knew about the built-in function to massage UTF-8 names, so she wrote her own... and yeah. I can't remember what the function is either, but I'll find it before too long and throw it in there. Oh and in case you’re curious as to why that matters, her function makes some assumptions that aren’t true, and causes capitalization following ANY nonalpha character.
Last edited by Noromdrol : 10/16/19 at 04:46 AM.
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Unread 10/13/19, 10:37 AM  

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[Bar Background]
Originally Posted by Noromdrol
One of the big problems currently is the way Eldrni has created everything. It's practically all done with the XML file and hardly any of it is dynamic. So, I'll have to see how much I can modify what she has with out triggering a complete rewrite (which is inevitable). I agree that there should be an option of sorts. I take you don't like running it with a transparent background?
Ah, yeah, I can see how that could be an issue ^^; And yeah, transparent doesn't really work because then the text tends to be nearly invisible during daytime or if the camera is otherwise pointed at something lightly coloured.

Originally Posted by Noromdrol
For what I've seen in the code is that setting the threshold either to the max (for things that need to be above a threshold) or to zero (for things that need to be below a threshold) should disable flashing.
Oh goodie ^^ (And a checkbox would be awesome, but yeah... I can definitely see what you mean with all the settings being in a single sheet ^^; )

Originally Posted by Noromdrol
The fact that the mount icon flashes at me on one of my characters triggers rage, especially when I'm out questing. Speaking of which, I think there also needs to be a hotkey to enable/disable flashing across the board for those times when you KNOW something is low/high, but you can't deal with it right then.
Yeah xD exactly. I mean, it ought to be enough to just colour that bit brightly red or something, to make it eye catching if you look up (or down, or wherever one has the bar) but not so much that it's distracting from what you're doing.

[Research timers]
Originally Posted by Noromdrol
There is a setting to show all times, including any free slots. But I take it that's not what you want. It sounds like you want to show the timer for the research that it going to finish first, along with slots that in use/free. Oh, and color code them. Does that sound correct?
Pretty much, yeah =) Because showing the timer for all slots, especially when it's all a single colour, just causes a huge blur of random numbers to me which makes it tricky to actually interpret it xD
So instead, for example...
[Smithy icon] 0/3 --
[Smithy icon] 1/3 8d23h
[Smithy icon] 2/3 9h2m
[Smithy icon] 3/3 42m13s
depending on how many of the (in this case Blacksmith) research slots are in use and the time remaining on the next research slot to finish
Example from LeoAlt's bar:

(Not sure why it uses that icon for woodworking instead of the in-game one, but meh. I'm also not entirely clear on when the timer changes colour. I think my preference is "if < 10 hours, then yellow, if < 1 hour, then red" -- if one adds in orange, as per the writ icons below, then I'd probably use orange for < 1 hour, and red either for finished or < 5 minutes. Not sure regarding green/white either, or why it uses both xD)

[Smithy icon] 0/3 --
[Smithy icon] 1/3 2d3h
[Smithy icon] 3/3 5h2m

[Writ icons]
Originally Posted by Noromdrol
What sort of color changes are we talking about? I can try to implement a similar system.
The way it's done in my slightly modified (to adjust the "preDeliver" and "Updated" colours as the default ones were nearly identical, make the icons visible all the time instead of vanishing when done, and add a "completed today" colour) LeoAlt, it's
if craft == writ.craft then
    if writ.lastDone ~= nil and LeoAltholic.IsAfterReset(writ.lastDone) then
        isDone = true
    elseif writ.lastPreDeliver ~= nil and LeoAltholic.IsAfterReset(writ.lastPreDeliver) then
    elseif writ.lastUpdated ~= nil and LeoAltholic.IsAfterReset(writ.lastUpdated) then
    elseif writ.lastStarted ~= nil and LeoAltholic.IsAfterReset(writ.lastStarted) then
Example in-game:

Red = quest not picked up, white = picked up but nothing's crafted, orange = some of it's crafted (alchemy/enchanting tends to start out this way, due to the "have x of this thing"), yellow = all done crafting, and green = handed it in.

The only slightly-annoying thing with this is if you pick up writs but leave them till the next day, since when you log in then the icons start out as red -- because you haven't picked up the quests that day -- and then update only if you craft things to propagate the update; if something was already finished crafting, like if you already had the alchemy or provisioning stuff, it remains red until you hand the quest in. And it doesn't register if you then pick up that day's quests and stays green throughout xD Haven't figured out how to recode it to acknowledge repeats on the same day, or to update the icons to white if yesterday's quests are there when logging in... maybe with some sort of reset of the "isDone" variable when picking up quests, and some sort of command to re-check and update all icons when entering a crafting station... *considers*
(And the order of the icons isn't exactly logical either, in my eyes, even if it's alphabetical ^^; I like grouping the equipment/consumables together, which is one huge benefit with your (adopted) addon, as it allows for free sorting/ordering of things ^_^)

[Bag/bank display formats]
Originally Posted by Noromdrol
Ah, this one. This one gives me a little heartburn to be honest. She's added SO many options. I feel that this needs to be replaced with a text box so one can enter whatever format they want.
Oh, that'd be excellent =D

(Speaking of many options... The level/exp display dropdown is insane xD And it's probably made worse by the fact that the options are too long to fit in the dropdown menu/box, so you have to guess which one is the active one. That could probably be made easier to spot by some sort of marking on the selected one, either through highlighting or by adding some sign, like > or * in front of the current selection -- not sure how it could be coded though ^^; )

Edit: Oh! I have one minor issue as well... I think something is wonky with how the addon interprets character names if you have an apostrophe in the name... I have one named C'alih, but in the tooltip for both horse training and gold, I have C'alih and C'Alih listed, with C'Alih having the correct info ^^; Even if I go into the saved variable file and delete either both or just C'alih, the next time I log in with that character they're both back. (Plus the gold tooltip was a bit skewed in the default, so I had to go in and add another linebreak on one side to get them to line up -- I don't remember which side right now, though.)
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Last edited by Noxifer : 10/13/19 at 11:02 AM.
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Unread 10/07/19, 06:10 PM  
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Hi Noxifer,

I appreciate the kind comments. My goal is to take what Eldrni started and make it shine. As I said before, I quasi-helped her get started with the original version, but oh boy has she done some serious work to it since then. Consider everything you've ask for added to my list of things to do.

Originally Posted by Noxifer
1: On the one hand, the bar background covering the entire width of the screen looks good, and makes appearance/disappearance of temporary gadgets (like the teleport cooldown) and switching between pve/pvp bar a bit more seamless. On the other hand... It also covers that area of the HUD so that other stuff (like exp bar or minimap) need to be moved down. I'm not sure how possible it would be, but it would be nice with an option to have that background only behind the widgets and not across the entire screen.
One of the big problems currently is the way Eldrni has created everything. It's practically all done with the XML file and hardly any of it is dynamic. So, I'll have to see how much I can modify what she has with out triggering a complete rewrite (which is inevitable). I agree that there should be an option of sorts. I take you don't like running it with a transparent background?

Originally Posted by Noxifer
2: Would it be possible to add an "off" option on the flashing? Either in the flash type drop-down, or as a checkbox on individual gadget settings. I mean, I don't want/need the bag or bank gadget distracting me while I'm in combat, just because it's currently full. (Or is it disabled if you set that slider to 100? I mean, the text does specify "when it's over this percentage", and it's not like you can have bag/bank above 100% filled :Þ)
For what I've seen in the code is that setting the threshold either to the max (for things that need to be above a threshold) or to zero (for things that need to be below a threshold) should disable flashing. The fact that the mount icon flashes at me on one of my characters triggers rage, especially when I'm out questing. Speaking of which, I think there also needs to be a hotkey to enable/disable flashing across the board for those times when you KNOW something is low/high, but you can't deal with it right then.

I do think that perhaps adding a checkbox to simply turn it on and off would go a long way toward making it more obvious. However, I need to work some magic and modernize the configuration settings a bit, as she has everything in one giant sheet instead of submenus, which makes perusing a bit daunting.

Originally Posted by Noxifer
3a: One thing I did like with Leo's info bar was that research timers were coloured, depending on how much time was left on them (green for lots of time, yellow for a bit time, red for almost done or finished), plus that they showed e.g. 1/3 or 3/3 before the timer, depending on how many research slots were occupied. Would that be possible to add? (For the colour, it'd work with either on the text or on the icon; either way it'd draw the eye and make it easier to spot available (or soon available) research slots.)
There is a setting to show all times, including any free slots. But I take it that's not what you want. It sounds like you want to show the timer for the research that it going to finish first, along with slots that in use/free. Oh, and color code them. Does that sound correct?

Originally Posted by Noxifer
3b: I also miss the daily writ icons indicating my progress with them through colour changes, but technically I could keep using Leo's off to the side with just those icons available, so that's not as big a deal.
What sort of color changes are we talking about? I can try to implement a similar system.

Originally Posted by Noxifer
4a: More timer display options. I did edit the file myself to add a "medium" timer style option, somewhere between simple and exact, because having research listed as "258:12:34" means I have to stop and calculate the approximate number of days. And if it says just 11d, I'd have to go into the menus of other addons (or check with a crafting station) to see if that means 10 days and 3 minutes or 10 days and 23 hours. So neither of those two is really optimal IMO ^^; (I also had to add another local to account for showing hours in addition to days, or I'd get "11d258h" xD) It's not a big deal as such, as I could just edit it back in whenever there's an update, but perhaps others would find it useful too? =) (Now if only I could figure out how to make the tooltip timer be a bit more precise, showing e.g. 10d 18h 12m 34s (or at least days, hours and minutes), even when the bar itself only shows 10d19h... The same would be helpful, actually, when showing "simple" on the bar.)

Warning: Spoiler
Sure, more options is good for everyone. I'll add this and thanks for the code!

Originally Posted by Noxifer
4b: More bag/bank display formats. I added a "used/total (free)" option (and I'll probably go back in and add a "used/total (free%)" variant too, until I've figured out which I prefer--maybe even "used/total (free/free%)"), because, again, having to pause to do math to calculate how much free space I have isn't all that ideal ^^; Again, it's something I could just copy-paste into any updated versions of this, so it's not a big deal =)
Ah, this one. This one gives me a little heartburn to be honest. She's added SO many options. I feel that this needs to be replaced with a text box so one can enter whatever format they want.

Something like:
t - u (u%)/f (f%)
might display something like:
60 - 15 (25%)/45 (75%)
I think she had some grand plan where folks would run the gadgets without text or something like that. Sometimes you just want to look at a number, though. Red icons are great if you can remember how many slots you had and what that threshold means. But if you cant, you find yourself out space.

Also, kudos for a nice critical review of the addon and for the request of what I would consider some extremely useful features. I'll see what I can do, and I may reach out to you in the near future to test some of these changes before they go live.
Last edited by Noromdrol : 10/07/19 at 06:13 PM.
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