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Updated: 03/18/21 05:55 PM
File Info
Flames of Ambition (6.3.5)
Updated:03/18/21 05:55 PM
Created:03/12/21 01:07 PM
Monthly downloads:56
Total downloads:3,534
Categories:Healers, Chat Mods
Thank A Healer
Version: 1.0.0
by: Tevnar [More]
Thank A Healer v1.0.0

Healers don't get the appreciation they deserve. This addon aims to fix that problem.

Thank A Healer does 2 things:
- Keeps track of who heals you in your fights, showing you all your healers (not including yourself) at the end of the combat
- Gives you commands to quickly send messages to your chat channels, thanking said healer(s)

Think of it as KillCounter's /kcreport function, but for your healers

At the end of combat, you should see a message like this, listing all other players who healed you that fight:
TAH: Exiting Combat, 4 healer(s): SoloHealer(25403), TammyTemplar(14532), WillHealForWhiskey(9231), SirHealsALittle(1024)

You can then thank any number of your healers using the /tah command

Requires LibAddonMenu to use

Quick Start Guide:

Use the /tah command to quickly send thank you messages to any of your chat channels.

Some quick examples:

- The quickest method to compose messages. Uses the default settings for number of healers, all/group only, fight/session, and chat channel to compose a thank you message. You can view/edit the current default settings using the /tahsettings command, or via Settings/Addons/ThankAHealer.

/tah g 3
- Thanks the best 3 healers last fight from your group, to the /group channel

/tah 5 session /guild4
- Thanks the best 5 healers for your entire session from all sources, to the /guild4 channel

Full Option List:

The full list of options (from /tah help):

/tah takes the following options:
<number> - thanks the best <number> of healers
<chat channel> - sends chat to the given channel (ie /say).
fight - shows heals for the last fight only
session - shows heals for your entire session
all - shows heals from all sources
group - shows heals from your group members only
g - shows heals from your group, to the /group chat. (Shortcut for "group /group")
help - shows this message
The /tahsettings command allows you to view and/or edit the default values for these option


Thank A Healer applies out-of-combat heals to the last completed fight.

If you have been out-of-combat for less than 30 seconds when you re-enter combat, Thank A Healer will consider that to be one continuous combat and will not clear your latest fight stats.
; 1.0.0
; * Added settings menu for default and in/out-of-combat info messages
; * Added in-combat message, showing when fight data is retained due to re-entering a recently ended combat
; 0.2.0 (2021/03/12)
; * Initial beta release to ESOUI
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03/12/21 01:07 PM

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