(867 Kb)
Updated: 09/16/24 12:35 PM
File Info
Update 44 (10.2.0)
Update 43 (10.1.0)
Gold Road (10.0.0)
Scions of Ithelia (9.3.0)
Endless Archive (9.2.5)
base-game patch (9.1.5)
Necrom (9.0.0)
Scribes of Fate (8.3.5)
Updated:09/16/24 12:35 PM
Created:03/15/15 04:13 AM
Monthly downloads:305
Total downloads:18,267
Categories:Developer Utilities, UI Media
Circonians TextureIt  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)
Version: 2024091600 - 101044
by: Baertram, IceHeart, Masteroshi430
Over 74,000 Game Textures!

What does it do?
- It displays game textures !
- This Add-on is primarily used by other Add-On Developers; If you're just playing the game, you probably don't need this, but thanks for visiting!

  • It displays game textures :P
  • New Menu Setting Options: Start Hidden, Show/Hide Tooltips, Show/Hide Info Messages
    - Dependency: LibAddonMenu (v2.0): You must install this separately!! (But most people already have it, anyway - Thanks @sirinsidiator )
    - You can get LibAddonMenu2.0 here
  • When you select a texture from the window the texture path is automatically put into an edit box at the top of the screen & selected for you. You can then push cntrl+c to copy the texture path (if you do anything else in between, the edit box may loose focus & wont copy).
  • If the edit box loses focus, you can click on it to select the texture path for copying.
  • You can toggle between the actual texture file dimensions or a resizable mode which will allow you to change the size of the texture, so you can see what it would look like if you wanted to enlarge it or shrink it down.
  • You can toggle the backdrop behind the texture.
  • Shows the actual texture file dimensions & the current texture file dimensions at the top of the window (current texture file dimensions are used for when you resize it you can tell what size it is).
  • You can manually type a texture path into the edit box & hit enter to display the texture in the texture window.
  • You can type a string in the edit box to search for textures with that string in their name. DO NOT INCLUDE FILE PATHS or .DDS if you're trying to search or it will attempt to display the texture you typed.
  • You can animate the texture as an ANIMATION_TEXTURE.
  • Set a keybind to toggle show/hide all windows.
  • Updated treepath, including new splitting on texturenames, simplifies very long lists and reduces the tree crash issue.
  • All tree paths are now created dynamically.
  • Additional background modes to improve visibility
  • Slash Command -- Added a slash command: /textureit (or you can use /texit too) to toggle the window visibility
  • Added a Search Option! You can now type a short string of text in the edit box to search for a texture with that text in its texture name. DO NOT INCLUDE FILE PATHS OR .DDS
  • *Note: If you type a string in the edit box ending with .dds it will attempt to display the texture you've typed. If you want to search for a texture do not include file path or .dds
  • Added an option to animate the textures.
  • Added a bindable hotkey to toggle show/hide all windows.

Known Issues
- The Scrolling of the Textures tree will occasionally 'jump': The ZOS scrolling tree functionality is convoluted and not well documented: need more research; Hopefully will resolve in a future update.
- The Tree can still become unresponsive if you have way too many branches open (more than ~ 2k end nodes expanded). This is a limitation of the tree control and we cannot do anything about it, but the newer treepath functionality greatly reduces chances of this so that most users would never see the issue.

Special Thanks
  • To the Add-on Developer Community overall, and in particular, to @Baertram, @Dolgubon and @Sirinsidiator for their help and hand-holding as I created this new version 0.9.x
  • Extra Special Thanks to DaveH @UESP for his help updating the ESOExtract utility so it generates a simpler, lua-style extract for version 0.9.2020.0916.
You all Rock!

How to Update the Textures List?

New way (by Masteroshi430 - 2024-06-03 Updated for BBB4
How To extract and update the textures list with a new ESO release: (the @Masteroshi430 way)

needed :
Black book browser 4

**** LET'S GO ****

Black book browser:
double click on depot\eso.mnf
on the right panel click on "Save TextureList"
double click on game\client\game.mnf
on the right panel click on "Save TextureList"


copy the entries in game_texturelist.txt at the end of eso_texturelist.txt
delete everything above the 1st art/fx entry (otherwise there will be too much data) (SHIFT+CRTL+HOME to delete all above your current line)
replace (search > replace) all .dds by .dds',
regular expression search mode) replace (search > replace) all ^ by [1]='

(in case ZOS did files) search for .dds',.dds', and replace it to .dds'

*let's increment the table index numbers*
Place your text cursor to the top left corner of the 1 column.
In scroll bar on right side, drag the thumb to scroll to other end of the file.
Alt + Shift + Left-click into the bottom right corner of the 1 column. (that selects the entire column of 1)
Edit > column editor
select Number to insert
initial number: 1
Increase by: 1
press ok

insert the begining and the end of Textureit/core/TextureIt_TexturePaths.lua (it's faster to do it that way)

rename your eso_texturelist.txt to TextureIt_TexturePaths.lua and replace it in the addon folder (in the Textureit/core/ folder)

Old way (by Circonian/IceHeart/Baertram before 2023):
For a full description of how to update the textures list, see the addon itself, at:

-- This file contains the texture paths of all .dds textures of the vanilla game.
-- The texture paths have been extracted from the MFS Game and MFS Depot tables (see your ESO installation directory) and
-- were copied to a simple excel spreadsheet -> See included file "texture_path_helper.xlsx"
-- which produces the surrounding [<tableIndex>] = "<texture path string>", lua string by excel formulas.
-- You need to copy the results to the table TextureIt.LoadPaths = { <copy data here> } below afterwards!
-- HowTo get the .dds texture paths from the game's *.mnf files:
-- Use the addon tool EsoBlack Book Browser:
-- Scan the mnf files for game and depot, click on the top folder of both files then and enter .dds at the searhc box to filter the left
-- side to show .dds files only. After that use the button at the bottom left "Save results" to only save the .dds files found to a txt file.
-- Search and replace regex ^/ with ^\"/ (to add the leading " before the file path) and without regex: .dds replace with .dds",
-- You only need to add the leading tale indices then if the game still crashes without the indices added explicitly.
-- Another apporach to extract the .dds file names from the game's *.mnf files:
-- Credits to the folks at UESP for the 'ESOExtractData' utility.
-- >If you want to extract the data this way you can read the file /TextureIt/doc/How_to_Update_textures.txt for more details

-- ***
-- Oddly enough, the game crashes if the table indexes are removed! So you MUST add the [<table index>] = up in front!

TextureIt.LoadPaths = {
v2024091600 - API 101044 PTS -- Masteroshi430
- Bumped API to 101044
- Updated texture paths for PTS
- Number of texture paths ported to: 90126
(of course new textures will be only visible on 101044 PTS or LIVE, not on the current 101043 LIVE)

v2024081900 - API 101043 LIVE -- Masteroshi430
- Updated texture paths for LIVE
- Number of texture paths ported to: 88904

v2024070900 - API 101043 PTS -- Masteroshi430
- Bumped API to 101043
- Updated texture paths for PTS
- Number of texture paths ported to: 88891
(of course new textures will be only visible on 101043 PTS or LIVE, not on the current 101042 LIVE)

v2024060300 - API 101042 LIVE -- Masteroshi430
- Updated texture paths for LIVE
- Number of texture paths ported to: 87688
- Updated the "How to"

v2024041500 - API 101042 PTS -- Masteroshi430
- Bumped API to 101042
- Updated texture paths for PTS
- Number of texture paths ported to: 86599
(of course new textures will be only visible on 101042 PTS or LIVE, not on the current 101041 LIVE)

v2024031100 - API 101041 LIVE -- Masteroshi430
- Updated texture paths for LIVE
- Number of texture paths ported to: 84037

v2024012900 - API 101041 PTS -- Masteroshi430
- Bumped API to 101041
- Updated texture paths for PTS
- Number of texture paths ported to: 84028
(of course new textures will be only visible on 101041 PTS or LIVE, not on the current 101040 LIVE)

v2023103000 - API 101040 LIVE -- Masteroshi430
- Updated texture paths for LIVE
- Number of texture paths ported to: 82667

v2023091800 - API 101040 PTS -- Masteroshi430
- Bumped API to 101040
- Number of texture paths ported to: 82552
(of course textures will be only visible on 101040 PTS or LIVE, not on the current 101039 LIVE)

v2023082100 - API 101039 LIVE -- Masteroshi430
- Updated texture paths for LIVE

v2023071000 - API 101039 PTS -- Masteroshi430
- Bumped API to 101039
- Number of texture paths ported to: 80892
(of course textures will be only visible on 101039 PTS or LIVE, not on the current 101038 LIVE)

v2023060500 - API 101038 LIVE -- Masteroshi430
- Updated texture paths for LIVE

v2023041700 - API 101038 PTS -- Masteroshi430
- Bumped API to 101038
- Number of texture paths ported to: 79932
(of course textures will be only visible on 101038 PTS or LIVE, not on the current 101037 LIVE)

v2023031301 - API 101037 LIVE -- Masteroshi430
- Fixed the same typos than last time
- Updated the second "How to" in the doc folder to avoid these typos
- Updated the addon page for the same reason

v2023031300 - API 101037 LIVE -- Masteroshi430
- Updated to 101037 LIVE to check
- Number of texture paths is still 77469

v2023022100 - API 101037 PTS -- Masteroshi430
- Fixed 2 typos in the texture paths of previous update (sorry for that)

v2023022000 - API 101037 PTS -- Masteroshi430
- Number of texture paths ported to: 77469
- Bumped API to 101037
- Added a second (faster) "How to" in the docs

-----------------------Updated by Baetram----------------------------------------
v2022071400 - API 101035 -- Baertram
-Updated API version
New textures of API101032 - API101035 were added
-> Textures recently added with PTS API101035 will ONLY work on the PTS until 101035 is set live!
-Removed /doc/devnotes as the changelog shows the same
-Renamed file TextureIt_TexturePaths_API<number>.lua to TextureIt_TexturePaths.lua
-The API version used to extract the .dds files will be shown within the addon version now (at the end) and the addon version will be the date YYYYMMDD the files were updated
-Added more detailed instructions how to update the textures to he addon description and file /TextureIt/core/TextureIt_TexturePaths.lua
-Added a helper excel spreadsheet "texture_path_helper.xlsx" to format the extracted .dds file paths to the needed lua table index code. The excel column C uses an excel formular bsed on column a (table index, unique, incremeted by 1 for each line) and column b (extracted .dds clean texture path) and will provide the [<table index>]='<texture path .dds>', lua table string
You need to copy column C of the excel spreadsheet to the file /TextureIt/core/TextureIt_TexturePaths.lua table TextureIt.LoadPaths = { <copy here> }.
You may minify the lua code lines of teh table contents before by using e.g.

v 08.2021.2600 -- Baertram
-Updated API version
New textures of API101031 were added

v 07.2021.0754 -- Baertram
-Updated API version
New textures of API100035 were added -> Many thanks to Klingo!

-----------------------Updated by Baetram----------------------------------------
v 09.2020.0916 -- Baertram
-Fixed ZO_Object usage
-Updated API version
No new textures were added, still on API100032!

-----------------------Updated by IceHeart----------------------------------------
v 09.2020.0916 -- IceHeart

- Updated textures to 100032 'Stonethorn';
- Texture extraction done with EsoExtractData v0.41?beta (Daveh/uesp), optimized for lua format
- Minor correction on switch & calculation for real size vs viewpoet size
- Minor updates to RU translation strings (Thanks zelenin)

*** Known Issues
* The Tree scroll list is still misbehaving:
- When opening a relatively large list, it will reposition the 'current' node to something else, usually far below
- The logic to recalculate the size of the scroll list is convoluted and requires more research. Will try to do that on a future release

v 09.2020.0110 -- IceHeart

*** Minor Changes - User
- Added 'Menu Settings' to allow some simple options: info messages, start hidden, tooltips
- *** New Dependency: LibAddonMenu2
- Figured most people do have the LibAddonMenu2 anyway; This is NOT included and you have to install separately
- see:
- Updated DE language strings (Baertram)
- Increased size of Result path area for better visibility, since some textures have rather long paths
- Minor UI adjustment/sizes for better readability with other languages
- Added simple guide to update the Textures for any new release at /doc/How_to_Update_textures.txt

*** Minor Changes - Developer
- Reworked/reenabled SaveVars to save Menu Settings
- Fix for first load bug (Baertram)
- Update to use direct String Ids in XML (Baertram)

v 09.2020.0107 -- IceHeart
For this version...

*** Major Changes - User
* Updated Textures to 10029

* Simplified upload, Dynamic creation of Textures Table Structure:
- Textures table does not need to have the structure anymore; The structure is created dynamically now, based on the simple paths for each texture.
-- Note that, attempting to remove the simple indexes ([1] = "", into just "" ) resulted in ESO crashing, unknown reason.
So I am (temporarily ?) keeping the indexes, since they are simple enough to add in a spreadsheet, without having to create the full structure, which was the main intent.
-- The original TEXTUREIT_TEXTURES table has been renamed and placed under the global namespace, at TextureIt.LoadPaths

* Addition of 'subpaths', on underscore '_' to support paths with large number of textures
- Some sections with large number of textures (eg.: 10028:/esoui/art/icons has 20,445) would crash, because the tree control cant handle such large lists.
- Tried to do this either alphabetically, or by 'pages' by X number of items, but it was unsatisfactory and still had crashes.
- Introduced splitting the path on underscores '_', which already exist in the path, and are a natural way of organizing based on the way ZOS (mostly) names the textures anyway
- Introduced a 2ndary, lowercase navigation header, with a +/- instead of a twirly arrow, for these types
- Note that the tree control can *still* crash if too many branches are open totaling more than (apx.) 2000 items, but this approach should minimize that

*To EXTRACT The textures List:
(for a full description of how to update the textures list, see the addon itself, at:

- Use ESOExtract data from:
- Extract the two ZOSFT mnf files, "game" and "depot" :
.\EsoExtractData "<game install path>\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\game\client\game.mnf" -z F:\ESOEX\zosft_clientgame.txt
.\EsoExtractData "<game install path>\Zenimax Online\The Elder Scrolls Online\depot\eso.mnf" -z F:\ESOEX\zosft_depoteso.txt
- Merge the two files into a single text-based CSV file
- Use an spreadsheet (Excel, Open Office) to masage the file, remove columns, remove non-dds files and generally, create the final format
[rownumber] = "path",

*** Minor changes - User/QoL
- Added checkbox for Actual size to see really what mode you are on
- Added a 3rd label to show 'original' texture size, vs current size, vs viewport size
- Added a 3rd backdrop 'mode' so the viewport backdrop goes base black, white, transparent/hidden, etc to help with contrasts
- Added Show tips & checkbox to toggle Tooltips
- Minor repositioning, fonts etc of some controls

*** Major changes - Developer / Internal
- Documented all (most?) functions
- Added notes/documented UI elements/controls
- Renamed/standardized names of all UI elements (perhaps unneeded, yes, it simply helped 'me' to understand things)
- Renamed/standardized names of all UI functions, corresponding to UI elements (see above :P)
- Reorganized functions under global TextureIt or TextureIt.UI or object so no loose global functions

*** Minor changes - Internal
- Moved from folder 'Textures' to 'assets'

*** Known Issues
* The Tree scroll list is still misbehaving:
- When opening a relatively large list, it will reposition the 'current' node to something else, usually far below
- The logic to recalculate the size of the scroll list is convoluted and requires more research. Will try to do that on a future release

-----------------------Updated by Baertram----------------------------------------
Version 0.85 --

Updated textures and fixed textures (imported list of icons was wrong)
Version 0.84 --

API Update + updated textures

Version 0.82 --

API Update + updated textures
Textures are sorted alphabetically now and there is a new subfolder for each letter of the alphabet, inside the texture folders. Textures are sorted into these subfolders to split the big size texture folders up.

The icon folder still got 2 subfolders with >3600 and >4300 entries. Please wait after opening them as it will take some time, but the client won't crash anymore.

The count of textures inside the folders is shown with a visual hint (color) now too.
<= 100 entries = white
> 100 and <= 500 yellow
> 500 red

Added language support. Included are EN and DE so far.
Version 0.81 --

API Update + updated textures + fix for the "icons" textures. They are split into 500er packages now
Version 0.8 --

Fix for the search function
Thanks to Mitsarugi and Votan!
Version 0.7 --

API Update
Added API 100017 textures
Version 0.6 --

API Update
Added API 100016 textures (and all missing from before)
Added a shorter keybind /texit to toggle the TextureIt window's show state
Version 0.5 --

API Update
Added Wrothgar gear icons
If you are missing other textures send me PM with the texture paths please and I'll add them!
Version 0.4 --

API Update No changes, just an API update
Version 0.3--

X - Close button -- Added an X button to close the TextureIt window
Slash Command -- Added a slash command: /textureit to toggle the window visibility
Version 0.27--
  • Added more textures, thanks those who ran my TextureFinder addon & all others who contributed....There are now more textures than you'll ever want to look at.
  • All tree nodes are now populated populated on demand, when the header node is opened. It speeds up things considerably. No more lag.
  • Added a Search Option! You can now type a short string of text in the edit box to search for a texture with that text in its texture name. DO NOT INCLUDE FILE PATHS OR .DDS
  • *Note: If you type a string in the edit box ending with .dds it will attempt to display the texture you've typed. If you want to search for a texture do not include file path or .dds
  • Added an option to animate the textures.
  • Added a bindable hotkey to toggle show/hide all windows.
TIP: If you don't want to see the tooltips (they annoy me) set SHOW_TOOLTIPS = false in the TextureIt.lua code file, line 9. But I suggest you at least read them once so you know how it all works! I was to lazy to create a entire settings menu for one setting.
Optional Files (0)

Archived Files (36)
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03/15/15 04:13 AM

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Unread 11/03/20, 04:13 PM  
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Yeah fix is coming, I know what is wrong.
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Unread 11/02/20, 04:42 PM  
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Couple of lua errors with Markarth.


Lua Code:
  1. user:/AddOns/TextureIt/core/TextureIt.lua:695: function expected instead of nil
  2. stack traceback:
  3. user:/AddOns/TextureIt/core/TextureIt.lua:695: in function 'OnAddOnLoaded'
  4. <Locals> _ = 65536, addonName = "TextureIt" </Locals>
Trying to close with X button:
Lua Code:
  1. user:/AddOns/TextureIt/core/TextureIt.lua:545: attempt to index a nil value
  2. stack traceback:
  3. user:/AddOns/TextureIt/core/TextureIt.lua:545: in function 'TextureIt.UI.wdgTree_Toggle'
  4. TextureIt_wdgTree_btnCloseAll_MouseUp:2: in function '(main chunk)'
  5. <Locals> self = ud, button = 1, upInside = T, ctrl = F, alt = F, shift = F, command = F </Locals>
/textureit command
Lua Code:
  1. user:/AddOns/TextureIt/core/TextureIt.lua:545: attempt to index a nil value
  2. stack traceback:
  3. user:/AddOns/TextureIt/core/TextureIt.lua:545: in function 'TextureIt.UI.wdgTree_Toggle'
  4. EsoUI/Ingame/SlashCommands/SlashCommands_Shared.lua:204: in function 'DoCommand'
  5. <Locals> text = "/textureit ", command = "/textureit", arguments = "", fn = user:/AddOns/TextureIt/core/TextureIt.lua:544 </Locals>
  6. EsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1785: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'
  7. <Locals> self = [table:1]{maxContainerHeight = 1026, suppressAutoCompleteClear = F, ignoreTextEntryChangedEvent = F, isAgentChatActive = F, isMinimized = F, currentNumNotifications = 0, minContainerHeight = 170, suppressSave = F, numUnreadMails = 0, minContainerWidth = 300, currentChannel = 0, maxContainerWidth = 1824, allowMultipleContainers = F, loaded = T, shouldMinimizeAfterEntry = F}, text = "/textureit ", valid = F, prefix = 47 </Locals>
  8. (tail call): ?
  9. EsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2493: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'
  10. <Locals> control = ud </Locals>
  11. ZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'
  12. <Locals> self = ud </Locals>
  13. (tail call): ?
  14. (tail call): ?

/texit command
Lua Code:
  1. user:/AddOns/TextureIt/core/TextureIt.lua:545: attempt to index a nil value
  2. stack traceback:
  3. user:/AddOns/TextureIt/core/TextureIt.lua:545: in function 'TextureIt.UI.wdgTree_Toggle'
  4. EsoUI/Ingame/SlashCommands/SlashCommands_Shared.lua:204: in function 'DoCommand'
  5. <Locals> text = "/texit", command = "/texit", arguments = "", fn = user:/AddOns/TextureIt/core/TextureIt.lua:544 </Locals>
  6. EsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:1785: in function 'SharedChatSystem:SubmitTextEntry'
  7. <Locals> self = [table:1]{maxContainerHeight = 1026, suppressAutoCompleteClear = F, ignoreTextEntryChangedEvent = F, isAgentChatActive = F, isMinimized = F, currentNumNotifications = 0, minContainerHeight = 170, suppressSave = F, numUnreadMails = 0, minContainerWidth = 300, currentChannel = 0, maxContainerWidth = 1824, allowMultipleContainers = F, loaded = T, shouldMinimizeAfterEntry = F}, text = "/texit", valid = F, prefix = 47 </Locals>
  8. (tail call): ?
  9. EsoUI/Ingame/ChatSystem/SharedChatSystem.lua:2493: in function 'ZO_ChatTextEntry_Execute'
  10. <Locals> control = ud </Locals>
  11. ZO_ChatWindowTextEntryEditBox_Enter:3: in function '(main chunk)'
  12. <Locals> self = ud </Locals>
  13. (tail call): ?
  14. (tail call): ?

Don't often use this addon tbh (it's come handy in the past though) but just checked it after the dlc dropped anyway.
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Unread 05/27/20, 08:11 PM  
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Re: Re: black background

Sorry I hadn't looked at this in a while... Many things happening lately, as you may have noticed..
But I'll try and put an update for Greymoor over the next couple of weeks

Regarding 'black backdrop' .. I'm as confused as Baertram .. Im not sure I understand what you want:
The backdrop in the viewer area is already black by default, and can also be set to white, gray, red and hidden (transparent) as well.. so you're all covered. If by 'complete' you mean turning the whole game window black or something like that.. then, no, won't do .. because the viewer window already does that and you can also resize it if needed.

Originally Posted by Baertram
Maybe I did not understand your correct but why do you need a black background to test transparent textues if you can also toggle the backdrop to hide it. This way you can test your transparent icons directly?

Originally Posted by Ek1
Hey could we get complete black backdrop also? I am trying to get couple ingame icons that I could use with transparent background (by making the black background it).
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Unread 04/14/20, 10:58 AM  
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Re: black background

Maybe I did not understand your correct but why do you need a black background to test transparent textues if you can also toggle the backdrop to hide it. This way you can test your transparent icons directly?

Originally Posted by Ek1
Hey could we get complete black backdrop also? I am trying to get couple ingame icons that I could use with transparent background (by making the black background it).
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Unread 04/13/20, 01:44 PM  
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Question black background

Hey could we get complete black backdrop also? I am trying to get couple ingame icons that I could use with transparent background (by making the black background it).
Last edited by Ek1 : 04/13/20 at 01:44 PM.
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Unread 02/03/20, 04:02 PM  

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This tool is so helpful.

Thank you, thank you , thank you
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Unread 01/17/20, 04:46 PM  
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Originally Posted by zelenin
Originally Posted by IceHeart
Originally Posted by zelenin
can you add feature to open/close window with closed state by default?
This is already there:
- open close, you can do via bindings (just configure a key) and/or command line /texit or /textureit
- new option to 'start hidden' or 'minimized'

Combine both to whatever works for you.

also, Zelenin, i see you're part of the Bandits russian community.
For TextureIt, could I ask you for a few minutes of your time to review and perhaps update russian Strings? There are a few changes / new options, and Google translations are not the best..

Great if you can, no problem if not!
i fixed a few lines
and I saw a small typo in english: cntrl+c => ctrl+c
Excellent! Thanks a lot. This will be included for next release along with a couple other language fixes.
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Unread 01/17/20, 10:57 AM  
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Originally Posted by IceHeart
Originally Posted by zelenin
can you add feature to open/close window with closed state by default?
This is already there:
- open close, you can do via bindings (just configure a key) and/or command line /texit or /textureit
- new option to 'start hidden' or 'minimized'

Combine both to whatever works for you.

also, Zelenin, i see you're part of the Bandits russian community.
For TextureIt, could I ask you for a few minutes of your time to review and perhaps update russian Strings? There are a few changes / new options, and Google translations are not the best..

Great if you can, no problem if not!
i fixed a few lines
and I saw a small typo in english: cntrl+c => ctrl+c
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Unread 01/14/20, 03:26 PM  
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Originally Posted by zelenin
can you add feature to open/close window with closed state by default?
This is already there:
- open close, you can do via bindings (just configure a key) and/or command line /texit or /textureit
- new option to 'start hidden' or 'minimized'

Combine both to whatever works for you.

also, Zelenin, i see you're part of the Bandits russian community.
For TextureIt, could I ask you for a few minutes of your time to review and perhaps update russian Strings? There are a few changes / new options, and Google translations are not the best..

Great if you can, no problem if not!
Last edited by IceHeart : 01/14/20 at 03:41 PM.
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Unread 01/14/20, 06:33 AM  
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can you add feature to open/close window with closed state by default?
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Unread 01/13/20, 11:55 PM  
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TextureIt v09.2020.0110 - R100029 - Dragonhold

Thanks for the team add!

TextureIt is now updated as v09.2020.0110 on the main Add-On.
See more on the main page and 'ChangeLog' for a full detail of changes etc.

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Unread 01/07/20, 08:59 AM  
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Re: TextureIt R0029 (v09.20200107)

Thank you very much IceHeart! This update is very welcome.

I've added you to the team so you can officially update TextureIt now without patches!

Originally Posted by IceHeart
I have posted a 'patch' that brings good ol' TextureIt to 100029, and has some other additions & updates.
See more at:

This has also been briefly reviewed by Baertram, but any bugs in new code are mine
While I'm not sure I can completely 'take it over' I will try to keep posting somewhat regular updates for the larger releases every quarter or so.
Last edited by Baertram : 01/09/20 at 08:39 AM.
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Unread 01/07/20, 12:36 AM  
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TextureIt R0029 (v09.20200107)

I have posted a 'patch' that brings good ol' TextureIt to 100029, and has some other additions & updates.
See more at:

This has also been briefly reviewed by Baertram, but any bugs in new code are mine
While I'm not sure I can completely 'take it over' I will try to keep posting somewhat regular updates for the larger releases every quarter or so.
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Unread 09/01/18, 04:25 PM  
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Is anyone motivated to take over this addon?
I got too many to maintain and this addon need sto be updated after each patch to get the new textures (via the build in mini addon "BuoldTextures" + code changes to build the internally used texture structure to be able to open and load all the xxxxxxthousands of textures performant.

I won't find the time anymore for this, sorry.
If you are interested just write me a PM please.

Thank's a lot.
Last edited by Baertram : 09/01/18 at 04:48 PM.
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Unread 02/14/18, 11:34 AM  
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This addon is designed to be loaded "when needed" and not constantly so it auto popups and you can use the keybind or chat commands /texit to hide/show it.

There is no way to comment something in order to not show it automatically. Just do not load it as you do not need it? Saves a lot memory as well

Or add at line 510 after "TEXTUREIT:PopulateTree()" and before the "end" the following to directly hide the TextureIt window again:
Lua Code:
  1. TextureIt_ToggleMainWindow()

Originally Posted by HowellQagan

Is there any way to make it not pop up after every UI reload? Which line do I have to comment out?

Thanks in advance.
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