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Updated: 04/02/23 02:54 AM
File Info
Scribes of Fate (8.3.5)
Updated:04/02/23 02:54 AM
Created:11/07/22 03:33 PM
Monthly downloads:31
Total downloads:1,491
Batman's Home and Out
Version: 1.0.0
by: Irniben [More]
DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0

This addon is for raid leads working on tri-fectas and other achievements that need them to reset the instance on a regular basis and let the group port to their home for ressource refills.

This addon lets you use the slash command /hao or use a keybind to do the following:
- write the link to your home into the chat window (as specified in the settings)
- after you send the text automatically leave the current instance
- optionally reset the instance after porting out
  • 1.0.0
    • New functions for group leaders
      • Port back to instance after resetting it and refilling your ultimate
      • If ultimate is already full port directly after resetting
      • Only use "exit instance" if in combat. Otherwise port directly to house
    • New functions for group members
      • Exit instance or port to house whenever the group leader posts a home to group chat (confirmation dialog required)
      • Automatically port back once your ultimate is full and the leader is ported back to the instance (if your computer or connection is so slow, that you are still in the first loading screen while the group leader already ported out and back in again that won't work, please port to leader manually in that case)
      • Choose if this function should only work in veteran mode (this is the default setting)
    • Bug fixes and minor improvements
      • the dropdown in the settings is now scrollable and has the correct value displayed when opening the settings
  • 0.0.1
    • Initial release
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11/07/22 03:33 PM

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