Results: 30Comments by: edup_2004
File: Group Synergizer - Enhanced LFG Features | Auto Accept Que | Better Notifications05/04/23
Update for new pledges
Posted By: Blackhawk
Hi, I know the add-on it's not being maintained but anyone knows how we can add the Scribes of Fate pledges to the add-on??? I tried adding them to the GroupSynergizerPledges.lua but not sure what the ID should be. I mean the first one because I have the IDs for normal, vet, hm, tt, nd, etc. Also, not sure if I should change...
File: Votan's Craglorn Dungeon Codes05/01/23
Re: Re: Codes not working correctly with pChat add-on
Posted By: Blackhawk
Hi, Dungeon codes are not being shown correctly as you can see in the picture. ... I saw your message that you haven't tested it with other add-ons so if you want me to test something I'll be happy to help. Thanks. Thanks for letting me know. Should be fixed with version 1.0.3. Thanks a lot, working great now!
File: Votan's Craglorn Dungeon Codes04/22/23
Codes not working correctly with pChat add-on
Posted By: Blackhawk
Hi, Dungeon codes are not being shown correctly as you can see in the picture. But it would show like this only after I ReloadUI. This only fixes old messages, not new ones. I don't know why it puts an "o" before the n(normal) or v(veteran) and also adds an...
File: DailyAutoshare - Untold Riches Edition03/23/23
New dailies reset time update
Posted By: Blackhawk
Hi, Can we have an update on the new reset times for NA and EU, please??? Update 37 Base Game Daily/Weekly Reset Timer Updates Many daily timers have been aligned to the same time as the Daily Login Reward (3am UTC for European servers and 10am UTC for North American servers), including: Activity Finder’s First of the Da...
File: ElderScrollsOfAlts03/14/23
resizToFitDescendents ERROR
Posted By: Blackhawk
Hi, Not sure if this was reported before, but anyway I just started getting this error whenever I log in with a character: ResizeToFitDescendents: Enabling resizToFitDescendents is illegal for Label ESOA_ChampionAssignableTextListBarSlot1Label. stack traceback: : in function 'CreateControlFromVirtual' /EsoUI/Libraries/Glob...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter)03/13/23
Color for favorites
Posted By: edup_2004
Hi, I was wondering if it would be possible to add color to the favorites Wayshrines? Even if it's manually like when you add a new wayshrine to the favorite list (right click) or directly on the lua file (for this one have no idea). I wanted to do that because don't remember the name of every wayshrine and was thinking of colori...
File: Faster Travel (Wayshrines menu & Teleporter) - maintenance07/21/18
Anyone know if there's a way to rai...
Posted By: edup_2004
Anyone know if there's a way to raise the number of favorites? Not sure how many you can add now (maybe 10) but would like to be able to have 15 instead (just for saying a number). Haven't found a .Lua in which i can set up the max number of favorites so far.
File: HarvestMap06/23/14
Posted By: edup_2004
Hi I just import the nodes from Esohead daily marge. I did this: 1) Backup my "Esohead.lua" file form Saved Variables. 2) Download latest Daily Merged file from Esohead. 3) Delete "Esohead.lua" from Saved Variables and replace it with Daily Merged one. 4) Import nodes using harvest map (/harvest import esohead) 5) Change "E...
File: Combat Log Statistics (CLS)06/22/14
Hi I would like to know if you stil...
Posted By: edup_2004
Hi I would like to know if you still are working with this add-on (for the author) since you haven't answer any of the comments for over a month. Also I have a question, any maybe know how to do this. I don't want to see the Vet xp i get in every fight. It's annoying, specially in Cyrodiil since i get so much xp that it fills t...
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC)06/18/14
request feature???
Posted By: edup_2004
Hi I would like to know if there's a way to see the top damage done in the whole session. Of course it should only be modified if you do more damage than previous number or if you reload/relog/switch instance/map. If there's not a way right now I think it should be an interesting feature to see while in PvP what is your top dam...
File: Recipe Book - View All Known Recipes Anytime!06/13/14
Re: Re: Error and crash...
Posted By: edup_2004
edup_2004, in v2.0.3b line 1775 is blank, you sure your using latest version? Also have you tried deleting settings file? Augmenti-DeMontia, testing various fixes now for this. Fix will hopefully be released within 24hrs EDIT : Fix released in v2.0.4b, Hopefully this will fully eliminate the issue, please confirm...
File: Recipe Book - View All Known Recipes Anytime!06/11/14
Error and crash...
Posted By: edup_2004
Hi since last update I've been getting this error message. Well I'm not really sure if it happened with the last update, but it haven't happened before. Also first time I saw it, I disable all my add-ons because I was getting lag spikes every 3 seconds. So when I activate Recipe Book this mess...
File: Item Saver06/04/14
error message
Posted By: edup_2004
Hello just wan an report an error message that popped up when I installed the new version of Item Saver and Advanced Filters. Also wanted to know if the add-on hides the junk when trying to sell stuff. Because I disabled every add-on but this one and when going to sell and select the junk tab it...
File: Advanced Filters06/04/14
Error message
Posted By: edup_2004
Hi, just wanna post an error message that popped up when I installed the new version of Advanced Filters and Item Saver. This have never happened before, so I guess it came with the newest version.
File: Show Motifs05/25/14
The boxes around some of the motif...
Posted By: edup_2004
The boxes around some of the motif symbols/names are there because it signifies it as one of the RARER motifs, such as Ancient Elf and Daedric. This is working as intended. I honestly don't remember if there was an option to turn OFF this box in the settings, so go check it out! And if not, request! Also, the location of the addo...
File: Show Motifs05/24/14
Posted By: edup_2004
Hello I have a problem with the motif icons. The motif icons in guild store and inventory are been mixed with other icons or information like the value or other add-ons icons. Sorry for not explaining better but this picture will show perfectly what I mean. This have never happened before with the other versions. http://i60....
File: Advanced Filters05/20/14
Error Message
Posted By: edup_2004
Hi, I've been getting this error lately. I tried to see which add-on could cause this error and disable and try one by one and the only one who threw me the error was Advanced Filters. This is the error message: It happens when i swap weapons, but not every time. I get this error also bu...
File: Craft Research Timer05/19/14
Error Message
Posted By: edup_2004
Hi, love the add-on. Just wanna report a message that popped up while playing. I had to disabled the add-on because I couldn't dismissed it or close it. First time it happened btw. Hope it can be fixed. Thanks.
File: HarvestMap05/11/14
Re: Re: All node gone!
Posted By: edup_2004
Hi I just installed the new version but now I can't find any of my nodes!! Do I need to import them or do something????? I tried with the other previous version and worked fine. So I'm staying with that one (2.4.3 i think) until I know how to get my nodes back.Some people reported that after using the latest version of SkyShards a...
File: HarvestMap05/11/14
All node gone!
Posted By: edup_2004
Hi I just installed the new version but now I can't find any of my nodes!! Do I need to import them or do something????? I tried with the other previous version and worked fine. So Im staying with that one (2.4.3 i think) until I know how to get my nodes back.
File: Vicster's InventoryInsight05/10/14
Posted By: edup_2004
Hi I just installed the new version. I got this error message as soon as my character finished loading. The add-on won't work. By the way I didn't delete the .lua file before I replace the new version. I don't know if that would help. Oh and yesterday, with the last version, I got this...
File: Research Assistant (Find your researchable items)05/08/14
Re: Re: Guild bank
Posted By: edup_2004
Hi could you make it work in the Guild Store? It would very very helpful to check the stuff in the guild store with out having to click in each item. Nice add-on btw. Okay I read this earlier and I swear it said guild bank, which my add-on already does. Buuut as for the guild store, not currently possible with the API as...
File: Show Motifs05/07/14
Request Feature
Posted By: edup_2004
I would love to use it in the Guild Store too. That way I could easily spot the rare items.
File: Research Assistant (Find your researchable items)05/07/14
Guild bank
Posted By: edup_2004
Hi could you make it work in the Guild Store? It would very very helpful to check the stuff in the guild store with out having to click in each item. Nice add-on btw.
File: Wykkyd Full Immersion05/07/14
Re: Re: Can see helmet!!!! Help
Posted By: edup_2004
Hello, I have a problem with my character. First time I tried the "hide helmet" was in the last version and after reloading UI nothing happened. After I re log my helmet disappear but it would be shown in combat. But that's not the problem. The main issue is that now that I have a new helmet that I like and I have unchecked the...