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Didz 05/21/16 04:19 PM

Action Bar Add-On: That provides accurate Quick Slot information.[SOLVED]
Hi, I've spent about a week now trying to sort out my Combat UI so that it provides accurate and concise information.

I'm almost sorted out, and I'm currently using:

- LUI for my Health/Magic/Stamina bars,
- Srendarr for my buffs information
- Harven's Potion Alert for my emergency potions.

What I'm still missing is an Add-On that will simply show me which items have been placed in which Quick Slots. So, basically a simple bar of eight boxes each containing an image of its content. Ideally with a number underneath e.g. Something exactly like AUI below.

The reason I can't use AUI (apart from the constant LUI errors) is that the mapping of items to the bar is wrong. So, although the bar claims the mapping is F1/F2/F3/F4/F5/F6/F7/F8, in practice if you assign those function keys to Quick Slots 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 & 8. What you actually find is that the mapping is F4/F3/F2/F1/F8/F7/F6 and F5.

In other words pressing F1 selects the potion in the fourth box from the left, not the potion in the box marked F1.

Just to make things even more confusing, if you change the Control Key Mapping, so that the functions keys select the Quick Slot whose content is depicted in that position on the Action Bar. e.g. if you map F4 to Quick Slot 1, then AUI helpfully changes its Action Bar labelling to claim that the potion shown in Quick Slot 1 is actually the one being selected by F4, when it isn't. It's actually the potion shown in the fourth box from the left.

This basically makes that function unusable, as what you see is definitely not what you are going to get when selecting quickslot items.

What I'm looking for is something identical to this functionality, but with accurate mapping of the Quickslots to the bars, and Function Keys to the Quick Slots. But so far I've not found anything.

Baertram 05/22/16 04:33 AM

Greymind Quickslotbar

You are able to change the keybindings according to your needs. The problem with the quickslot sorting is due to ZOs starting the qucikslots with 9 instead of 1 so the keys are messed up and the sorting as well.

Didz 05/22/16 05:30 AM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 27042)
Greymind Quickslotbar

You are able to change the keybindings according to your needs. The problem with the quickslot sorting is due to ZOs starting the quickslots with 9 instead of 1 so the keys are messed up and the sorting as well.

I've attempted to use Greymind three times now, and try as I might I can't get it to do anything useful.

The main problem with it is that although it provides a Quickslot bar with six/eight boxes on it. The items stored in those quick slot locations are completely invisible. On my PC all I get are six black/dark grey boxes with some vague swirly patterns in them. Somewhere in that misty blackness there might be the image of a potion bottle, but if there is then it's far too dark for me to see it.

And Yes! I did consider that perhaps I hadn't got the settings right, or that my eyesight is so poor I can see colours in small boxes. So, just to make sure I wasn't missing something I checked out a few videos to see if anyone else had got it working.

So, as you can see, this guy is doing exactly what I did. He puts potions and food into his quick slots, and nothing is showing in the Greymind Quick Slot Bar as a result (except a small number indicating how many of the mystery item there is in that location.) And what exactly the mysterious P numbers are i never determined.

So, Greyminds Add-On is a fail as far as I'm concerned. I need something that shows me what is in each quick slot and maps those quick slots accurately to a function key.


Baertram 05/22/16 05:37 AM

It's definately NO fail as it's working perfectly for my whole guild, me and several other thousands :-)

Try the following:

-Logout and close the game!
-Go to c:\users\you windows username\documents\elder scrolös online\live (or liveeu if you pla on the european server)
-Delete the following filename: ShaderCache.cooked
-Switch to subfolder SavedVariables
-Delete filename GreymindQuickSlotBar.lua

Afterwards login again and setup the settings of Greymind again.
If the icons still don't show it's something related to your local pc I guess.
Or the settings. But with the standard settings everything should work correct.

Oh: Don't forget to press I to open the inventory, switch to the quickslot ring and drag&drop potions, food, etc. to the quickslots. Without them filled you are not able to see anything :D

Btw: If you want to have the quickslots changed upon some events (in combat, in pve, in pvp, in delve, in dungeon, food buff not active, etc.) try out my addon: FCOStarveStop or another one (just handling food buff): OmNomNom

Didz 05/22/16 06:40 AM

Hi @Baertram

Thanks for your suggestion.

I've just finished tested Greymind (yet again - this is the fourth attempt to get it to work) and I did everything you suggested but it made no difference. So, if all your guild are successfully using this add-on then they must either have a different GFX card to me or better eyesight than I do.

Having said that I did discover that if I turned off the opacity setting (which for some reason means setting opacity to 100%, which is a bit counter-intuitive) I did manage to get images of the potions in each quick slot to appear in the bars boxes.

For a moment I thought I'd solved the problem, but then when I tried turning on the Key-binding information, which is pretty much the whole point of the bar for me. I found the result were even more bizarre and meaningless than they were on AUI.

I had the key bindings set-up logically e.g.

Quick Slot 1 = F1
Quick Slot 2 = F2
Quick Slot 3 = F3 etc up to 8 = F8

But what appeared on the Greymind Bar was +F13; +F14; +F15 etc. These are keys that don't even appear on my G510 Gaming Keyboard, let alone being bound to my quick slots.

To make matters worse in testing what happened when I pressed a function key, it seems that this Addon suffers from exactly the same problem as AUI, in that F1 does not select the content of the first quick slot shown on the bar, but the fourth, and so on.

So, not only does Greymind not show the function keys mapped to the quick slots correctly, but it displays labels for function keys that don't even exist on the keyboard.

So, not much use to me I'm afraid.

Baertram 05/22/16 08:23 AM

Weird about the F11 etc. quickslot naming.
Never had trouble with the keybindings.

As I said the game's quickslot start with 9 and go counter clockwise around that quickslot circle.
So it's normal that they somehow are mixed up.

Mine start with F1 for quick slot item 1 and end with F8 for quick slot item 8.
No second keybinding, no third or fourth.
And the quickslots related to it are starting on the wheel at the top (F1) and then counter clockwise to the next (F2) at 10, (F3) at 9, (F4) at 7 and so on.

If you place your potions etc. in the counter clockwise way everything is ok. Just "rethink" once :-)
There is no better addon afaik so either you code you own one or you should try to adopt to the given ones.

About the key bug with F11 etc.: As the keybindings are stored by the game on the server it might be a bug from the keybind saves. Try to remove all Greynind relating keybindings again and logut so the server saves it correctly, and then login again and set them up newly.

Didz 05/25/16 05:46 AM

To be honest the position of the potion on the Quick Slot Wheel is irrelevant to the issue. In theory, the order of potions on the wheel could be completely random and it would make no difference.

What does matter is the mapping of the Quick Slots in the Control-Key set up to the Action Bar.

The most logical and sensible configuration would obviously be:

Quickslot control 1 maps to Action Bar Box 1
Quickslot control 2 maps to Action Bar Box 2
Quickslot control 3 maps to Action Bar Box 3
Quickslot control 4 maps to Action Bar Box 4
Quickslot control 5 maps to Action Bar Box 5
Quickslot control 6 maps to Action Bar Box 6
Quickslot control 7 maps to Action Bar Box 7
Quickslot control 8 maps to Action Bar Box 8

That would mean that the assignment of Function keys to the Quickslot control keys would be logical:

Quickslot control 1 maps to Action Bar Box 1 assigned to F1
Quickslot control 2 maps to Action Bar Box 2 assigned to F2
Quickslot control 3 maps to Action Bar Box 3 assigned to F3
Quickslot control 4 maps to Action Bar Box 4 assigned to F4
Quickslot control 5 maps to Action Bar Box 5 assigned to F5
Quickslot control 6 maps to Action Bar Box 6 assigned to F6
Quickslot control 7 maps to Action Bar Box 7 assigned to F7
Quickslot control 8 maps to Action Bar Box 8 assigned to F8

However, at the moment that isn't possible as the mapping of Quickslots to Action Boxes is illogical. By trial and error I've discovered that to get F1 to select the contents of the first box on the Action Bar it has to be assigned to Quickslot 4. and the full mapping is:

Quickslot control 4 maps to Action Bar Box 1 assigned to F1
Quickslot control 3 maps to Action Bar Box 2 assigned to F2
Quickslot control 2 maps to Action Bar Box 3 assigned to F3
Quickslot control 1 maps to Action Bar Box 4 assigned to F4
Quickslot control 8 maps to Action Bar Box 5 assigned to F5
Quickslot control 7 maps to Action Bar Box 6 assigned to F6
Quickslot control 6 maps to Action Bar Box 7 assigned to F7
Quickslot control 5 maps to Action Bar Box 8 assigned to F8

This produces a logical result as far as the Action Bar is concerned where function keys F1 thru F8 select the contents shown in the eight boxes of the Action Bar from left to right.

Unfortunately, this still leaves the labelling of those boxes completely out of sync with the truth. They neither reflect the quickslot linked to the box, nor the function key assigned to the quickslot and are completely useless.

Didz 05/26/16 02:35 AM

[SOLVED] Following yesterdays update to LibAddonManager the issue with the Action Bar mapping has been resolved, and Quickslots now map correctly to Action Bars. So this problem no longer exists and the Action Bars of all Action Bar mods should work logically.

I tested mine again yesterday afternoon and both AUI and Greymind were now showing a logical mapping and labelling of their Action Bar potions.

Thank you for sorting it out.

Baertram 05/26/16 11:23 AM

Ok fine it works out for you now.
But I'm wondering how the ActionBarBox (action bar = skill bar with the 5 skills + 1 ultmate skill) is related to this?

Maybe I do not understand what you mean by "Actionbar Box" but for me it sounds like the "skill boxes".

Didz 05/27/16 06:17 AM

Perhaps! its just a matter of terminology.

With AUI when you turn on the Action Bar, you get all your Abilities, your Ultimate; all eight of your QuickSlots and your selected Quickslot (the Q box) appear in a line.

So, you can see everything you need to know for combat purposes.

It sort of combines Greymind's Quick Slot Bar with the FCT Abilities Bar.

So it looks similar to the image below, except that mine shows all eight Quickslots, not just the five shown in the image.

Baertram 05/29/16 06:54 AM

Ah, ok. Got it. Thanks for the update :D

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