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04/17/15, 11:40 PM   #36
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Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 613
I decided to mess with this and see if I could reproduce it, but I was unable to reproduce the problem at the lockpick scene.
However, I found another bug that may be related.

I found a way to make the mouse buttons & action bar buttons stop working by messing up the UI Mode.

Lua Code:
  1. /reloadui
  2. -- open inventory
  3. /script SetGameCameraUIMode(false)
You are now stuck in the inventory scene. You can run around and the inventory will stay open.

If you hit ESC, it will "look" like you've gone back to the HUD_SCENE...but you'll actually be in the HUD_UI_SCENE. The mouse buttons & action bar buttons will no longer work until you perform some action that forces the game to reset the correct scene.

It looks like this would cause problems all over the place in the code, SCENE_MANAGER:IsInUIMode() is used to determine what code should run all over the place.

So I started poking around trying to see if I could find anything that would mess up the UI mode. I didn't see anything specifically related to the lockpick scene, but I found this comment in the game code:
Lua Code:
  1. function ZO_IngameSceneManager:OnChatInputStart()
  2.    ...
  3.    -- something other than ending chat input is making us exit UI mode,
  4.    -- just return to the old state and normal UI mode behavior
  5.    ...
  6. end

So it looks like this may already be known problem (maybe they just didn't know the extent of it)?
I don't know what they meant by "is making us exit UI mode."
  • They may have meant the game actually changes the scene and "correctly" exits UI mode.
  • However, if whatever is causing that problem they commented about is "not correctly" exiting UI me manually doing SetGameCameraUIMode(false)

Then if the game randomly exits UI mode and if it happens while your in UI mode, your going to experience the exact problem I replicated.

Last edited by circonian : 04/18/15 at 01:01 AM.
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