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04/12/23, 04:10 PM   #12
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 39
Originally Posted by Baertram View Post
Did you guys think about 1 library where you define the events, where your addons just read it from?
All of you could collaborate and create one, and define one function like LibIngameEvents.IsEventActive() etc.
This would be a major headache to attempt to keep updated. Events change, not only yearly, on the fly sometimes. Example: an issue arises during an event so zos extends it for 3 days.
There are only 4 events that are detectible in game. Witch's, Jester's, Anniversary, Mayhem, are the only events with map pins that are only visible when active.

Ticket awarding events can be detected by checking the visibility of the Impresario on a specific map zone.
But, what about addons that want to know if an event is running that does not award tickets?

My addon used a "prediction table". A table I had to update for dates whenever they changed. Recently I went for a dynamic method. However, the changing of events back to back sort of broke that idea. It used the Impresario visibility changing from visible to hidden to know an event ended. So, when the Jester Festival turned into the Anniversary it didn't update what functions are needed to run for the cake.
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