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01/25/15, 12:37 AM   #1
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Maps & Pins

I have a couple of questions about Maps, MapPins, & POI's. Maybe someone can save me some time trying to figure all of this out.
Thanks in advance for any info you can offer.

Question 1: I'm trying to write something with maps, POIs, & locations, but having trouble understanding the map Hierarchy.I see all kinds of different references to maps, MapParents, zones, subzones, Index, ZoneIndex, MapIndex, ListIndex, exc...How do all of these fit together? I'm looking for a sort of more concrete relationship between them. Like obviously SubZones are always INSIDE zones..but where does a ParentMap or just plain Map fit in? I'm trying to figure out how to know when/where to use each of the different functions.
Lua Code:
  1. function ZO_WorldMap_SetMapByIndex(mapIndex)          -- Map Index
  2. ZO_MapLocationTooltip:SetMapLocation(locationIndex)   -- Location Index
  3. SetMapToMapListIndex(luaindex index)                  -- List Index or just Index
  4. GetCurrentMapIndex()                                  -- Returns: Index
  5. GetCurrentMapZoneIndex()                              -- Returns: ZoneIndex
  6. GetNumMaps()                                          -- I would guess this refers to a "Map Index"?
  7. GetMapParentCategories(luaindex index)                      
  8. --[[
  9. I probably just haven't ran into it yet, but maps have parents?...I thought
  10. they were called Zones & Subzones. Is a parent the same thing as a Zone
  11. as-in ZoneIndex? So then a Subzone is a Map Child ???
  12. --]]
  13. GetCurrentSubZonePOIIndices()    
  14. -- I didn't get this, whats this for. With minimal testing its returned
  15. -- zoneIndex seemed to be the same as (one of) the above functions.
  17. GetCadwellZoneInfo(PlayerDifficultyLevel difficultyLevel, luaindex zoneIndex)  
  18. --[[
  19. Returns: numPOIs, but why? Why not use GetNumPOIs(luaindex zoneIndex) ?
  20. DO zone indices change when you hit vet levels and go to another alliance area???
  21. --]]

Question 2: For those Indices listed above: ZoneIndex, MapIndex, Index, ListIndex, exc.. (for ANY that contain the same maps) Is there a table/function to convert one type/value to another? Like from ZoneIndex to Index?
Like for example I know the index for Stonefalls is:[22].index = 11
but the ZoneIndex of Stonefalls is 9
Anyway to grab one from the other like: GetIndexFromZoneIndex(integer zoneIndex) -- Returns: integer Index

Question 3: Best way to gather info from POI's & Map PIns I'm trying to gather information about POIs & locations. I did this using
Lua Code:
  1. GetNumPOIs(luaindex zoneIndex)
  2. GetPOIInfo(..)   -- then loop though & use this and some others listed on the wiki
  4. -- Then do the same with locations:
  5. GetNumMapLocations()
But I see that mapPins themselves have more information & more functions for gathering information.
Is there anyway to GET a map pin from a POI Index, besides looping through the ZO_WorldMapContainer 's children? How about getting all of the map pins at once, for the current map, so I can loop through them & gather info?

Question 4: MapPinXX.m_Pin:GetPOIIndex()
Does this not always work or am I doing something wrong?
As an example, when I test it on the "Sulfur Pools Wayshrine" in Stonefalls
Lua Code:
  1. -- Its map pin:
  2. MapPinxx.m_Pin:GetPOIIndex()      --  returns -1
  3. MapPinxx.m_Pin:IsPOI() -- returns nil
  5. -- But if I do this:
  6. local num =  GetNumPOIs(luaindex zoneIndex)
  7. for PoiNum=1, numPOIs do
  8. objectiveName = GetPOIInfo(9, PoiNum)
  9. d("PoiNum: "..PoiNum..", "..objectiveName) -- Prints "PoiNum: 39, Sulfur Pools Wayshrine"
  10. end
So is it POI 39, is it not a POI, or did I do something wrong?

Question 5: Setting a Waypoint
Is there a way to set a waypoint on a different map? I could only find this method for setting a waypoint, but it only works for the map/area that your in:
Lua Code:

I tried changing the current map with one of the above functions & then calling PingMap, but that didn't seem to work.
EDIT 1: Question 4, progress
I figured most of this one out. I tried switching maps, but I didn't normalize it to the ZO_WorldMapContainer, I had thought all of those returned normalizedX/Y values were already normalized to that particular map. This seems to work...if I had the map pin.
Lua Code:
  1. local pinX, pinY = ZO_MapPin54:GetCenter()
  2. local normalizedX, normalizedY = NormalizePointToControl(pinX, pinY, ZO_WorldMapContainer)

But it brought up another question when trying to figure this out. Whats the difference between these localized coordinates, their all different (even when viewing the same map).

POIMapInfo doesn't seem to change based on the ZO_WorldMapContainer zoom level, but the others do.
POIMapInfo seems to be based on the players location?
NormX & NormY are obviously relative to the ZO_WorldMapContainer, and is effected by zoom.
What about the normx & normy values stored in the map pin though, what are they normalized to?
Both PinNormX/PinNormY & NormX/NormY seem to work when setting a waypoint, even though they are different values.

Last edited by circonian : 01/25/15 at 03:19 AM.
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01/25/15, 03:06 AM   #2
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1) The map hierachy looks something like this:

Level 1:
Oblivion (GetMapType() == MAPTYPE_COSMIC)
Level 2:
Tamriel (GetMapType() == MAPTYPE_WORLD)
Level 3:
regular zones like Alik'r, Cyrodiil, Coldharbour and - believe it or not - Eyevea (GetMapType() == MAPTYPE_ZONE)
Level 4:
cities like Wayrest or the gates in Cyrodiil (GetMapType() == MAPTYPE_SUBZONE) and dungeons (GetMapType() == MAPTYPE_ZONE and GetMapContentType() == MAP_CONTENT_DUNGEON)
I have not seen a dungeon inside a subzone yet, but it might be possible.

2) No, afaik they are unrelated and you cannot convert them.

3) and 4) No idea. I haven't done anything with POIs yet, so maybe someone else can answer this.

5) Yes. Waypoints are automatically converted between maps, so when you set it on the Tamriel map, it will be available on every other map on the levels below it.

You should take a look at my libGPS. The code contains a lot of interesting things. It has currently disappeared into the outdated section, but it is still fully functional and I will update it as soon as update 6 goes live.
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01/25/15, 03:22 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by sirinsidiator View Post
1) The map hierachy looks something like this:

Level 1:
Oblivion (GetMapType() == MAPTYPE_COSMIC)
Level 2:
Tamriel (GetMapType() == MAPTYPE_WORLD)
Level 3:
regular zones like Alik'r, Cyrodiil, Coldharbour and - believe it or not - Eyevea (GetMapType() == MAPTYPE_ZONE)
Level 4:
cities like Wayrest or the gates in Cyrodiil (GetMapType() == MAPTYPE_SUBZONE) and dungeons (GetMapType() == MAPTYPE_ZONE and GetMapContentType() == MAP_CONTENT_DUNGEON)
I have not seen a dungeon inside a subzone yet, but it might be possible.

2) No, afaik they are unrelated and you cannot convert them.

3) and 4) No idea. I haven't done anything with POIs yet, so maybe someone else can answer this.

5) Yes. Waypoints are automatically converted between maps, so when you set it on the Tamriel map, it will be available on every other map on the levels below it.

You should take a look at my libGPS. The code contains a lot of interesting things. It has currently disappeared into the outdated section, but it is still fully functional and I will update it as soon as update 6 goes live.
Thanks for the info, I will take a look at it.

Originally Posted by From LibGPS Addon Page
Have you ever tried to save or send a position on the map with your addon?
You might have noticed that this is not as easy as it sounds.
Ha ain't that the truth.
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01/25/15, 09:08 AM   #4
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This is something with I have struggled for a long time and I still don't have all answers.

Question 1: I'm trying to write something with maps, POIs, & locations, but having trouble understanding the map Hierarchy.I see all kinds of different references to maps, MapParents, zones, subzones, Index, ZoneIndex, MapIndex, ListIndex, exc...How do all of these fit together? I'm looking for a sort of more concrete relationship between them. Like obviously SubZones are always INSIDE zones..but where does a ParentMap or just plain Map fit in? I'm trying to figure out how to know when/where to use each of the different functions.
There are two main indexes - map index and zone index + for some dungeons there is floor index.
Map index is used for zone maps listed on the WorldMap, Locations tab.
Zone index is unique identifier of each map.

If you are working with WorldMap, like opening map by index, you have to use map index:
SetMapToMapListIndex(luaindex index)

If you are working with quests or points of interest (POIs), functions retruns zone index:

This function is a bit special, because it uses location index. I have never used this index, because it wasn't working as I expected. But I believe that this index is an index of zubzone locations on the current map:

GetMapParentCategories(luaindex index)
I probably just haven't ran into it yet, but maps have parents?...I thought they were called Zones & Subzones. Is a parent the same thing as a Zone as-in ZoneIndex? So then a Subzone is a Map Child ???
This function was used in EsoUI in beta, but I didn't see this function after that.
Warning: Spoiler

I didn't get this, whats this for. With minimal testing its returned zoneIndex seemed to be the same as (one of) the above functions.
This function is used by Compass. First return value is the same as from GetCurrentMapZoneIndex(), but it will return also POI index if character is currently near POI.

GetCadwellZoneInfo(PlayerDifficultyLevel difficultyLevel, luaindex zoneIndex)
Returns: numPOIs, but why? Why not use GetNumPOIs(luaindex zoneIndex)?
DO zone indices change when you hit vet levels and go to another alliance area???
I'm not aware that any zone has different number of POIs. Only difference which I have found is objectiveLevel return value from GetPOIInfo function.

Question 2: For those Indices listed above: ZoneIndex, MapIndex, Index, ListIndex, exc.. (for ANY that contain the same maps) Is there a table/function to convert one type/value to another? Like from ZoneIndex to Index?
No, there is not a single function which you can use to convert map index to zone index. However there is just 25 map indexes, so it's not hard to make conversion table. Zone index has currently 415 entries.

Question 3: Best way to gather info from POI's & Map PIns
Just read code of WorldMap.lua.
Is there anyway to GET a map pin from a POI Index, besides looping through the ZO_WorldMapContainer 's children? How about getting all of the map pins at once, for the current map, so I can loop through them & gather info?
You can use FindPin method. But as there is no global reference for pinmanager, so use my LibMapPins or at least get reference to pinmanager the same way as I did in the library.
Lua Code:
  1. local lib = LibStub("LibMapPins-1.0")
  2. local pin = lib.pinManager:FindPin("poi", zoneIndex, poiIndex)

Question 4: MapPinXX.m_Pin:GetPOIIndex()
Does this not always work or am I doing something wrong?
If method GetPOIIndex return -1 it means that pin is not POI. Are you sure that you are using correct pin?

Question 5: Setting a Waypoint
Is there a way to set a waypoint on a different map?
Yes and No.
Even if you can change map by index and then set a waypoint, I think there is no reason to do so. I believe that when you change maps, waypoint is automatically cleared.

EDIT 1: Question 4, progress
Lua Code:
  1. local normalizedX, normalizedY = ZO_MapPin54:GetNormalizedPosition()
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01/25/15, 04:40 PM   #5
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EDIT: oops I cut off 2 lines of code on accident when I made the pciture, fixed it

Originally Posted by circonian View Post
Question 4: MapPinXX.m_Pin:GetPOIIndex()
Does this not always work or am I doing something wrong?
As an example, when I test it on the "Sulfur Pools Wayshrine" in Stonefalls
Lua Code:
  1. -- Its map pin:
  2. MapPinxx.m_Pin:GetPOIIndex()      --  returns -1
  3. MapPinxx.m_Pin:IsPOI() -- returns nil
  5. -- But if I do this:
  6. local num =  GetNumPOIs(luaindex zoneIndex)
  7. for PoiNum=1, numPOIs do
  8. objectiveName = GetPOIInfo(9, PoiNum)
  9. d("PoiNum: "..PoiNum..", "..objectiveName) -- Prints "PoiNum: 39, Sulfur Pools Wayshrine"
  10. end
So is it POI 39, is it not a POI, or did I do something wrong?
Originally Posted by Garkin View Post
If method GetPOIIndex return -1 it means that pin is not POI. Are you sure that you are using correct pin?
Thanks for all the info Garkin I've figured out just about everything except #4 and I'm as sure as I can be that I am using the right pin.
EDIT: I should have specified that I only noticed this on wayshrines, I tested all of them in a couple different zones, but other pins seem to work.

Heres what I did to make sure I was using the right pin:
I got the number of POIs, looped through them (code below) & printed out their names & normalized coordinates.
Then I went through the pin manager or in the picture I did "/zgoo mouse" over the wayshrine pin (both places same pin name with the same information though, i did check).

And if its easier to read the code this way here it is (this is same code as in picture below):
Lua Code:
  1. local zoneIndex = GetCurrentMapZoneIndex()
  2. local numPOIS =  GetNumPOIs(zoneIndex)
  4. for POINum = 0, numPOIS do
  5.    local objectiveName, objectiveLevel, startDescription, finishedDescription = GetPOIInfo(zoneIndex, POINum)
  6.    if string.lower(objectiveName):find("wayshrine") then
  7.       d(".") -- just a spacer to make the printout easier to read
  8.       d("objectiveName: "..objectiveName..", POI: "..POINum)
  10.       local x, z = GetPOIMapInfo(zoneIndex, POINum)
  11.       d("X: "..x..", z: "..z)
  12.    end
  13. end

You can see looping through the POIs spits out that the Senie Wayshrine is POI #40
Doin /zgoo mouse over the pin & /zgoo'n the pinManger.m_Active both say IsFastTravelWayshrine() == true, but it gives no POIIcon, POIIndex, ZoneIndex, and IsPOI() = nil.

I even thought of checking the normalized coordinates from GetPOIInfo(..) to the pinManager, to make sure it is the same pin. Their in exactly the same set of coordinates, they match.

I also thought well maybe theres another "hidden" pin (for I don't know what reason) under the one I /zgoo'd, in exactly the same coordinates. So I looped through the pinManager & checked to see if any pins had identical normalizedX coordinates, but didn't find any duplicates.

So...It has to be the right pin?

The only other thing I can think of is that:
Lua Code:
  1. -- This shows it returns normalizedZ on the wiki ???
  2. GetPOIMapInfo(luaindex zoneIndex, luaindex poiIndex)
  3.     Returns: number normalizedX, number normalizedZ, MapDisplayPinType poiType, textureName icon
Although I thought that was just a type-o (or the same thing) because I tested the returned normalizedZ coordinate against several POI's and it always matched the /zgoo'd POI's normalizedY coordinate.

But even if comparing those coordinates was wrong I still "/zgoo mouse"' over the pin & I can't find ANY POI's that say IsFastTravelWayShrine() == true and gives any of this information: POIIcon, POIIndex, ZoneIndex, and IsPOI().

Actually looping through the pinManager.m_Active and checking all of the :GetPOIIndex() 's doesn't find any of the POI's that my code (above) spits out for any of the wayshrines.

Last edited by circonian : 01/25/15 at 05:53 PM.
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01/25/15, 08:50 PM   #6
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Eureka !! I couldn't give up until I figured it out.
With more digging...for anyone interested.
I've decided its a bug. What do you think...did I miss something?
Heres why:

This is NOT the waypoint POI mapPin, there isn't one...not on the character I was testing with anyhow.

Apparently its just a ZO_WorldMapPin in the same spot that looks like its the mapPin for the POI waypoint
Lua Code:
  1. known, name = GetFastTravelNodeInfo(nodeIndex)
Returns the name of the waypoint....and all the above info I posted lead me to believe it was the mapPin for the POI waypoint.

I didn't catch this earlier, the wiki does not have this 5th parameter listed: isShownInCurrentMap
Lua Code:
  1. local xLoc, zLoc, iconType, icon, isShownInCurrentMap = GetPOIMapInfo(zoneIndex, poiIndex)
which when tested tells me "MY" waypoint POI's are not shown.

it looks like that mapPin I thought was the POI is actually a ZO_WorldMapPin & it gets created here. Although the bugs in the next piece of code.
Warning: Spoiler

Wayshrine POI mapPins get created here....but its only created if its been seen & not completed !!!!
Lua Code:
  1. local function CreateSinglePOIPin(zoneIndex, poiIndex)
  2.     local xLoc, zLoc, iconType, icon, isShownInCurrentMap = GetPOIMapInfo(zoneIndex, poiIndex)
  4.     if(isShownInCurrentMap) then
  5.         if(ZO_MapPin.POI_PIN_TYPES[iconType]) then
  6.             -- This is wrong
  7.             --if(not IsPOIWayshrine(zoneIndex, poiIndex) or iconType == MAP_PIN_TYPE_POI_SEEN) then
  9.             --[[ should be this:
  10.             if(not IsPOIWayshrine(zoneIndex, poiIndex) or iconType == MAP_PIN_TYPE_POI_SEEN or iconType == MAP_PIN_TYPE_POI_COMPLETE) then
  11.                 local tag = ZO_MapPin.CreatePOIPinTag(zoneIndex, poiIndex, icon)
  12.                 g_mapPinManager:CreatePin(iconType, tag, xLoc, zLoc)
  13.             end
  14.             --]]
  15.             -- EDIT: or actually since those are the only two MAP_PIN_TYPE_POI's (that I could find)
  16.             -- it could be just this:
  17.                 local tag = ZO_MapPin.CreatePOIPinTag(zoneIndex, poiIndex, icon)
  18.                 g_mapPinManager:CreatePin(iconType, tag, xLoc, zLoc)
  19.         end
  20.     end
  21. end

So all of the mapPins for wayshrine POI's ONLY get created IF its been seen, but not completed.

Ok, you might argue that its intentional. That once completed its no longer a Point Of Interest so we don't need a mapPin for it anymore.
But if thats so, then it should no longer be counted in:
Lua Code:
  1. GetNumPOIs()
and that poiIndex should no longer be valid if its not a POI anymore. But the poiIndex still exists and the following still returns true, which says its a POI & a Wayshrine.
Lua Code:
  1. IsPOIWayshrine(luaindex zoneIndex, luaindex poiIndex)

You could say, maybe they just didn't want to show wayshrine POI mapPins after they've been completed. But that doesn't seem to make sense to me because every other POI still has a mapPin after its been completed.

Either way I figured out why it was doing what it was doing...I'm happy

Last edited by circonian : 01/25/15 at 09:33 PM.
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01/25/15, 09:22 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by circonian View Post
Lua Code:
  1. -- This shows it returns normalizedZ on the wiki ???
  2. GetPOIMapInfo(luaindex zoneIndex, luaindex poiIndex)
  3.     Returns: number normalizedX, number normalizedZ, MapDisplayPinType poiType, textureName icon
And for anyone else reading this wondering about that normalizedZ like I was, I tracked it down & it is the same value as the mapPins normalizedY

Here you can see where they get the "normalizedZ " from GetPOIMapInfo
and the pass it to createPin(..)
Lua Code:
  1. local function CreateSinglePOIPin(zoneIndex, poiIndex)
  2.    -- Here they grab zLoc (called normalizedZ on the wiki)
  3.     local xLoc, zLoc, iconType, icon, isShownInCurrentMap = GetPOIMapInfo(zoneIndex, poiIndex)
  5.     if(isShownInCurrentMap) then
  6.         if(ZO_MapPin.POI_PIN_TYPES[iconType]) then
  7.             if(not IsPOIWayshrine(zoneIndex, poiIndex) or iconType == MAP_PIN_TYPE_POI_SEEN) then
  8.                 local tag = ZO_MapPin.CreatePOIPinTag(zoneIndex, poiIndex, icon)
  10.                 -- They pass it to CreatePIn(..) as the 4th parameter here
  11.                 g_mapPinManager:CreatePin(iconType, tag, xLoc, zLoc)
  12.             end
  13.         end
  14.     end
  15. end

g_mapPinManager is defined here
Lua Code:
  1. function ZO_WorldMap_Initialize(self)
  2.    ...
  3.    g_mapPinManager = ZO_WorldMapPins:New()
  4.    ...
  5. end

So its getting passed to the following as the yLoc parameter
Lua Code:
  1. function ZO_WorldMapPins:CreatePin(pinType, pinTag, xLoc, yLoc, radius)
  2.     local pin, pinKey = self:AcquireObject()
  3.     pin:SetData(pinType, pinTag)
  4.     pin:SetLocation(xLoc, yLoc, radius)  -- which passes it to SetLocation
  5. ..
  6. end

and finally gets set as the mapPins normalizedY value here:
Lua Code:
  1. function ZO_MapPin:SetLocation(xLoc, yLoc, radius)
  2.     local valid = ((xLoc and yLoc) and IsNormalizedPointInsideMapBounds(xLoc, yLoc))
  4.     local myControl = self:GetControl()
  5.     myControl:SetHidden(not valid)
  7.     self.normalizedX = xLoc
  8.     self.normalizedY = yLoc
  9.    ...
  10. end

But I don't know why they would name it Z instead of Y. Maybe its also used somewhere else for something different and they named it for that.
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01/29/15, 08:53 AM   #8
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It depends on what you actually want to do with map and pins, there are all sorts of different pins and different ways to obtain their data. Some even require event processing to get the data. So, it would be easier if you could just tell what you want to do with all of this.
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01/29/15, 10:35 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Fyrakin View Post
It depends on what you actually want to do with map and pins, there are all sorts of different pins and different ways to obtain their data. Some even require event processing to get the data. So, it would be easier if you could just tell what you want to do with all of this.
Thank you for your offer to help, but I think I figured it out. Just for clarification though what I was talking about was:
I started out trying to find a way to gather basic information (name/coordinates) about POIs using the GetPOIxxx() functions. Then I realized I wanted to be able to gather information about custom places that other addons had added with their own custom mapPins.
So I thought it would be better to stop using the GetPOIxxx() functions and just search the mapPins since they return if the mapPin is a POI & can return its POIIndex.

My whole confusion was just that I "assumed" every POI had a mapPin in the pinManagers m_active table that would return ZO_MapPin:IsPOI() = true and its ZO_MapPin:GetPOIIndex(). When I tried searching the pinManagers m_active table to find a specific POIIndex (that identified a wayshrine) there weren't any. Most of this post was just me trying to figure out if I was doing something wrong or if I was just missunderstanding how all of this works because I couldn't find a pin that corresponded to any wayshrine POI Indices.

But I figured out that there are two mapPins for the wayShrines. The one that returns IsPOI() = true and the GetPOIIndex() = poiIndex, is only created if the wayshrine has been seen & not completed. Once its completed it is no longer shows up in the pinManager.m_active table, but there is another mapPin in its place that returns IsPOI() = false, does not return a POIIndex, but returns IsFastTravelWayShrine() = true.

Since both of those mapPins have the exact same coordinates & return the same string identifying the location I thought I was doing something wrong & was just trying to figure out what. I just did not realize they were two different mapPins for wayshrines and that there is not one in the pinManagers m_active table that will return the information I want: IsPOI() = true & GetPOIIndex(), for wayshrines after they have been completed.
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02/02/15, 03:50 AM   #10
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Wayshrine list can include dungeons that have "recall to" locations. POIs and Wayshrines may also be undiscovered and on the worldmap will only appear (as unvisited) if you are close enough. Another thing to remember about looking at worldmap pin data is that it updates after you open the map. And if you select a different region (map) while exploring worldmap - pins will also change in accordance to viewed zone. If map is closed while viewing a different zone, pin data may still hold that zone.
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