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Pages are not properly anchored to the scroll container
Bug #: 1070
File: ZAM Notebook
Date: 09/28/14 05:56 AM
By: Garkin
Status: Fixed
Page buttons on the left hand side of the notebook window have incorrect parent, so scroll container doesn't work. It should be ZAM_NotebookMenuScrollChild instead of ZAM_NotebookMenu.

Line 31 and 32:
lua Code:
  1. local button = ZO_ObjectPool_CreateControl("ZAM_NotebookIndex", indexPool,
  2. local anchorBtn = buttonCount == 1 and or indexPool:AcquireObject(buttonCount-1)

replace with:
lua Code:
  1. local parent ="ScrollChild")
  2. local button = ZO_ObjectPool_CreateControl("ZAM_NotebookIndex", indexPool, parent)
  3. local anchorBtn = buttonCount == 1 and parent or indexPool:AcquireObject(buttonCount-1)

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By: Seerah - 10/26/14 09:09 PM
Thanks, Garkin. Don't know how I missed that first thing. Because of the tooltip changes, I'll wait until the patch hits to upload this version. Should be this week maybe?
By: Garkin - 10/19/14 09:44 AM
Just FYI - With Update 5 (PTS) notebook throws UI errors because of tooltips. You will need to change all:
lua Code:
  1. control.tooltipText = "Tooltip text."
lua Code:
  1. = { tooltipText = "Tooltip text." }

By: Garkin - 10/06/14 04:46 PM
Another issues in v1.2.2:
  • Highlight on the page select button is visible even if I fix parent as I have mentioned in the original bug report. Parent should be either ZAM_NotebookMenuScrollChild or highlighted button itself. I have changed line 115 to:
    lua Code:
    1. znb.selectedHL = wm:CreateControl(nil,"ScrollChild"), CT_TEXTURE)
  • Missing UnprotectText() on the line 60, there should be:
    lua Code:
    1. button:SetText(UnprotectText(