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Error in line 71: Moving reticle above enemies
Bug #: 1262
File: Target Lookup
Date: 03/08/15 04:54 PM
By: Baertram
Status: Wont fix
Hey there,

I sometimes get the following error message about 20 times if I try to hover the mouse above an enemy.
I'm not sure if it happens at players too, maybe:

Lua Code:
  1. 2015-03-08T22:03:16.285+01:00 |cff0000Lua Error: user:/AddOns/TargetLookup/TargetLookup.lua:71: attempt to index a nil value
  2. stack traceback:
  3.     user:/AddOns/TargetLookup/TargetLookup.lua:71: in function 'TargetChange'|r

Seems that the target class icon
Lua Code:
  1. TargetLookup.ClassIcon:SetHidden(true)
is not "there" sometimes?

For my local files it helped to just check if the variables are ~= nil to prevent the method from execution.


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By: mra4nii - 03/09/15 12:39 PM