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Error in line 71: Moving reticle above enemies
Bug #: 1263
File: Target Lookup
Date: 03/08/15 04:54 PM
By: Baertram
Status: Unconfirmed
Hey there,

I sometimes get the following error message about 20 times if I try to hover the mouse above an enemy.
I'm not sure if it happens at players too, maybe:

Lua Code:
  1. 2015-03-08T22:03:16.285+01:00 |cff0000Lua Error: user:/AddOns/TargetLookup/TargetLookup.lua:71: attempt to index a nil value
  2. stack traceback:
  3.     user:/AddOns/TargetLookup/TargetLookup.lua:71: in function 'TargetChange'|r

Seems that the target class icon
Lua Code:
  1. TargetLookup.ClassIcon:SetHidden(true)
is not "there" sometimes?

For my local files it helped to just check if the variables are ~= nil to prevent the method from execution.


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By: mra4nii - 03/09/15 12:37 PM
strange, i can't reproduce this.
TargetLookup.ClassIcon is child of ZO_TargetUnitFramereticleover, it exist always.
line 71 is the IF statement.
The error, by me, means that reticleover variable is nil. Makes no sense for me.
can you give me more details? It is some specific enemy or any enemy.
any details you think would help, are welcome