View Bug Report
Event registered too early
Bug #: 2457
File: FCO ItemSaver
Date: 06/29/19 12:54 AM
By: jc28735250
Status: Fixed
Hi Baertram! I'm the maintainer of Advanced Disable Controller UI.

I've found that in your file FCOIS_Events.lua line 859 function FCOIS.setEventCallbackFunctions(), you call FCOIS.FCOItemSaver_CheckGamePadMode() way too early because this is before your EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED is triggered. Thus, the logic you coded to check whether ADCUI is working or not fails because none of it is loaded yet. This didn't matter before because our addon overrode IsInGamepadPreferredMode() early enough that this bug was silently avoided, but I'm pushing a new update that moves the override much later to solve some UI issues in new functionality, and now the bug becomes a problem.

May I suggest moving the body (lines 874 ~ 911) to line 792, just after you unregister EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED? I've tested this and found that everything works out just fine, and you can get rid of the check to FCOIS.libsLoadedProperly in the moved body as well since the destination function already does that check very early. You can also choose not to call this function this early instead, and move the EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED registration somewhere else.

If you'd like to talk I'm available on as well. My handle is Setsu-BHMT

