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Jewelry marked with default Deconstruct label does not show up at station
Bug #: 2648
File: FCO ItemSaver
Date: 05/29/20 04:46 AM
By: M-ree
Status: Fixed
As the title says, if I mark some jewelry with FCOIS -> Mark for deconstruction, it does not show up at a jewelry station.

Filters were set to "All", when filtering to FCOIS->Deconstruction, no items show at all.

Same with only the FCOIS loaded.

Moreover, when at the jewelry station interface, marking an item for deconstruction immediately removes it from the list.

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By: Baertram - 05/29/20 02:08 PM
See private message, not reproducable
By: Baertram - 05/30/20 03:00 PM
Details to reproduce:
The jewelry get's marked via the right click context menu at the jewelry station's deconstruction panel directly. After this that item vanishes from the list all of sudden.
All filter buttons are red so it should be shown.
AdvancedFilters and other addons are disabled at the same time.
By: Baertram - 05/30/20 03:09 PM
Hint: User is using contextmenu with submenu "FCO ItemSaver".

Test without submenu:
-Not reproducable with FCOIS and AdvancedFilters enabled.
-Not reproducable with FCOIS only enabled.

Test with submenu "FCO ItemSaver" enabled:
-Not reproducable with FCOIS and AdvancedFilters enabled.
-Not reproducable with FCOIS only enabled.
