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Error on opening context menu
Bug #: 2951
File: FCO ItemSaver
Date: 06/29/20 05:17 PM
By: Tamonten-RU
Status: Cant Reproduce
I'm not actually sure it's this addon's problem, but it's the first thing mentioned.
The actual result is that this addon's menu is displayed actually and works just fine. But apparently it does break something else.

user:/AddOns/FCOItemSaver/src/FCOIS_ContextMenus.lua:951: operator .. is not supported for string .. nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/FCOItemSaver/src/FCOIS_ContextMenus.lua:951: in function 'FCOIS.AddMark'
|caaaaaa<Locals> rowControl = ud, markId = 14, isEquipmentSlot = F, refreshPopupDialog = F, useSubMenu = F, parentName = "ZO_PlayerInventoryListContents...", controlName = "ZO_PlayerInventoryList1Row3", settings = [table:1]{}, isIconEnabled = [table:2]{1 = T}, isDynamicIcon = [table:3]{1 = F}, isGearIcon = [table:4]{1 = F}, notAllowedParentCtrls = [table:5]{ZO_SmithingTopLevelCreationPanelTraitListList = T, ZO_TradingHouseItemPaneSearchResultsContents = T, ZO_SmithingTopLevelResearchPanelResearchLineListList = T, ZO_LootAlphaContainerListContents = T, ZO_SmithingTopLevelImprovementPanel = T, ZO_MailInboxMessage = T, ZO_StoreWindowListContents = T, ZO_TradingHousePostedItemsListContents = T, ZO_BuyBackListContents = T, ZO_SmithingTopLevelCreationPanelMaterialListList = T, ZO_RetraitStation_KeyboardTopLevelRetraitPanel = T, ZO_MailSend = T, ZO_SmithingTopLevelCreationPanelStyleListList = T, ZO_SmithingTopLevelCreationPanelPatternListList = T, ZO_InventoryWalletListContents = T, ZO_PlayerInventoryQuestContents = T}, notAllowedCtls = [table:6]{ZO_SmithingTopLevelRefinementPanelSlotContainer = T, ZO_AlchemyTopLevelSlotContainer = T, ZO_ApplyEnchantPanel = T, ZO_EnchantingTopLevelRuneSlotContainer = T, ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanelImprovementPreviewContainer = T, ZO_SoulGemItemChargerPanel = T, ZO_EnchantingTopLevelExtractionSlotContainerExtractionSlot = T, ZO_SmithingTopLevelDeconstructionPanelSlotContainer = T, ZO_TradingHousePostItemPaneFormInfo = T}, researchableIcons = [table:7]{2 = T}, allowedCharacterCtrls = [table:8]{ZO_CharacterEquipmentSlotsMainHand = T, ZO_CharacterEquipmentSlotsBackupMain = T, ZO_CharacterEquipmentSlotsBackupOff = T, ZO_CharacterEquipmentSlotsOffHand = T}, allowedCharacterJewelryControls = [table:9]{ZO_CharacterEquipmentSlotsRing1 = T, ZO_CharacterEquipmentSlotsNeck = T, ZO_CharacterEquipmentSlotsRing2 = T}, customMenuVars = [table:10]{customMenuCurrentCounter = 11}, firstAdd = F, lastAdd = F, myFont = "ZoFontGame" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/FCOItemSaver/src/FCOIS_Hooks.lua:596: in function 'ZO_InventorySlot_ShowContextMenu_For_FCOItemSaver'
|caaaaaa<Locals> rowControl = ud, slotActions = [table:11]{m_hasActions = T, m_contextMenuMode = T, m_numContextMenuActions = 7}, ctrl = F, alt = F, shift = F, prevVars = [table:12]{askBeforeEquipDialogRetVal = F, gOverrideInvUpdateAfterMarkItem = F, dragAndDropOrDoubleClickItemSelectionHandler = F, gChangedGears = F, buildingInvContextMenuEntries = T, contextMenuUpdateLoopLastLoop = F, gNoCloseEvent = F, gCheckEquipmentSlots = F, dontUpdateFilteredItemCount = F, markItemAntiEndlessLoop = F, lamMenuOpenAndShowingInvPreviewForGridListAddon = F, createdMasterWrit = F, gActiveFilterPanel = F, gUpdateMarkersNow = F, gClearingMarkerIcons = F, isInventoryListUpdating = F, migrateItemMarkers = F, noGamePadModeSupportTextOutput = F, gMarkItemLastIconInLoop = F, splitItemStackDialogActive = F, gRestoringMarkerIcons = F, ZO_ListDialog1ResearchIsOpen = F, wasDestroyDone = F, markerIconChangedManually = F, craftBagSceneShowInProgress = F, splitItemStackDialogButtonCallbacks = F, writCreatorCreatedItem = F, gPreHookButtonHandlerCallActive = F, gLocalizationDone = T, resetNonServerDependentSavedVars = F, eventInventorySingleSlotUpdate = F, useAdvancedFiltersItemCountInInventories = T, gAddonStartupInProgress = F, doNotScanInv = F, doFalseOverride = F, dontShowInvContextMenu = F, gFilteringBasics = F, buildingSlotActionTexts = F, dontAutoReenableAntiSettingsInInventory = F, gScanningInv = F, gItemSlotIsLocked = F, isZoDialogContextMenu = F, repairDialogOnRepairKitSelectedOverwrite = F, KeyBindingTexts = F, gAllowDestroyItem = F, newItemCrafted = F}, contextMenuClearMarkesKey = 7, contextMenuClearMarkesByShiftKey = F, isCharacterShown = T, parentControl = ud, FCOcontextMenu = [table:13]{}, userOrderValid = T, resetSortOrderDone = F, contextMenuEntriesAdded = 12, useSubContextMenu = F, _ = 12, countDynIconsEnabled = 3, useDynSubContextMenu = T, addedCounter = 11, j = 14 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_CallbackObject.lua:116: in function 'ZO_CallbackObject:FireCallbacks'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:14]{fireCallbackDepth = 1}, eventName = 6, registry = [table:15]{}, callbackInfoIndex = 2, callbackInfo = [table:16]{3 = F}, callback = user:/AddOns/FCOItemSaver/src/FCOIS_Hooks.lua:489, deleted = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/Grubmaster/Libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:558: in function 'addCategory'
user:/AddOns/Grubmaster/Libs/LibCustomMenu/LibCustomMenu.lua:592: in function 'AppendToMenu'
EsoUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_Hook.lua:18: in function 'Show'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:1972: in function 'ZO_InventorySlot_ShowContextMenu'
|caaaaaa<Locals> inventorySlot = ud </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
(tail call): ?
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:2013: in function 'ZO_InventorySlot_OnSlotClicked'
|caaaaaa<Locals> inventorySlot = ud, button = 2 </Locals>|r
ZO_InventoryWalletList1Row1_MouseUp:4: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud, button = 2, upInside = T, ctrl = F, alt = F, shift = F, command = F </Locals>|r

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By: Baertram - 06/29/20 06:28 PM
Hi, it's already known but I cannot rebuild it.
It seems to happen if you have changed the number of dynamic icons enabled via the slider.
After that, sometimes directy, sometimes after hours of palytime, the context menu behaves weird.
A /reloadui fixes it .

If you find a constant way to rebuild the same error please tell me HOW and I'd be really happy to hunt the error down.
By: Baertram - 06/29/20 06:34 PM
Oh and as you seem to use the submenu for FCOIS entries in the inventory contetx menu: Please open the FCOIS submenu and check if it's shown properly as well as this error happens.
By: Tamonten-RU - 07/03/20 03:34 AM
It seems to be the case, thank you.
Initially I've changed number of dynamic icons to 1. Now, I've returned it to initial 3 and this error ceased to appear. Now I've just hidden additional icons from menu by disabling them separately.
I did not check it, but I reckon it happens when there are settings for some dynamic mark that is not actually used or something. When I tried having 2 icons enabled result was the same as with one. Obviously I tried all of it after disabling all other addons too.
Context submenu, BTW, was not appearing at all when there was an error.

Also, it broke some other menus in some way, as far as I see. Some other totally unconnected addons (one for marking favorite dungeons for example) crushed and so on.
By: Baertram - 07/03/20 04:41 AM
>Initially I've changed number of dynamic icons to 1. Now, I've returned it to initial 3 and this error ceased to appear. Now I've just hidden additional icons from menu by disabling them separately.
Could you please change it to 1 again (the UI should automatically reload then) and check if the error happens again then?
Normally it should only happen sometime directly after changing the slider, without doing a reloadui after that again.

If this happens again:
Please send me your SavedVariables file (/users/.../documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/SavedVariables/FCOItemSaver.lua) to [email protected] so I can test it with your settings of the icons!
If you play with character settings (Not account wide) please tell me the server (EU?), account (@tamonten-ru?) and character name (???) you are using as the error happens, in the mail.
If you play with account wide settings and only on 1 server I'll find it in the file.
If you do not want to tell me your @account name edit the file and replace your @account with somethign else to make it anonymous.
Thanks for your support.

> Also, it broke some other menus in some way, as far as I see. Some other totally unconnected addons (one for marking favorite dungeons for example) crushed and so on.
That's normal. If lua error messages happen the code after that, in the same surrounding, is not executed properly and this can only be fixed by a /reloadui.

By: Tamonten-RU - 07/03/20 07:01 AM
I've changed number of icons to 1 again - and there's (yet) no error directly after automated /reloadui.
I'll contact you if it reappears, yeah.