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fco guildinfo error with pchat, specific to pchat with no configuration
Bug #: 3756
File: FCO GuildInfo
Date: 09/05/21 01:59 AM
By: EnigmaniteZ
Status: Fixed
user:/AddOns/FCOGuildInfo/FCOGuildInfo.lua:386: attempt to index a nil value
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/FCOGuildInfo/FCOGuildInfo.lua:386: in function 'FCOGuildInfo:buildGuildMemberOnlineText'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{__isAbstractClass = F}, buildType = "label", chatOutputText = "", numGuilds = 2, guildIndex = 1, guildId = 399657, guildIdRemoved = 399657, displayName = "@Kherae", pChatUseESOcolors = F </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/FCOGuildInfo/FCOGuildInfo.lua:263: in function 'FCOGuildInfo:Initialize'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], control = ud, numGuilds = 2, icon = ud, label = ud, anchorControl = ud </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/FCOGuildInfo/FCOGuildInfo.lua:89: in function 'FCOGuildInfo:New'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1], control = ud, object = [table:2]{}, guild = [table:3]{} </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/FCOGuildInfo/FCOGuildInfo.lua:652: in function 'OnAddOnLoaded'
|caaaaaa<Locals> event = 65536, addonName = "FCOGuildInfo" </Locals>|r

relevant lines of code:
if pChat then
pChatUseESOcolors = PCHAT_OPTS.Default[displayName]["$AccountWide"].useESOcolors or false

after testing, I found that it is due to Default being nil. Why? well, it helps to know that I have configured NOTHING about pchat. at all. so, debugging:

where local a=PCHAT_OPTS:
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{__isAbstractClass = F}, buildType = "label", chatOutputText = "", numGuilds = 2, guildIndex = 1, guildId = 399657, guildIdRemoved = 399657, displayName = "@Kherae", pChatUseESOcolors = F, a = [table:2]{} </Locals>|r

this is saying that the saved variables for pchat are completely empty. Given that I have no configured pchat at all, this is not unexpected.

my suggestion is to verify that PCHAT_OPTS.Default exists before attempting to index it, of course.

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By: EnigmaniteZ - 09/05/21 02:01 AM
this all appears to probably be related to the savedvariables changes in pchat anyway, so there are likely more fixes that need to be made, anyway
By: Baertram - 09/16/21 09:38 AM
Thanks, will have a look!