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Updated to 8.0.0 via Minion, now add-on isn't loading?
Bug #: 3815
File: Go Home
Date: 12/21/21 06:52 PM
By: jmattix
Status: Confirmed (Working on Fix)
Hi. I updated Go Home today via Minion to the most recent version and when I log in to ESO, Go Home isn't in my add-on list and doesn't appear to be loading with the rest of the add-ons. Minion says it is installed, and the 8.0.0 folder is in my ESO add-on folder. But it doesn't appear to be loading when the game starts like the rest of my add-ons.

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By: Akbar - 12/24/21 06:55 AM
Just for future historians: I tinkered with the addon and changed your use of CHAT_SYSTEM to use LibChatMessage (a three line change, including the manifest change) and that at least fixed it for me for now.

I'll have to figure out why LibChatMessage is working where CHAT_SYSTEM isn't, but that's a "tomorrow-me" problem. If I figure it out and it's close enough to now that I remember to come back here, I might try to update this with details as to what actually happened, for documentation purposes. But realistically, this bug may become invisible when you close it (and you should close it -- the immediate issue is gone), so I don't know for sure.

Anyway, have a happy holidays, thanks for keeping this addon working!
By: Akbar - 12/24/21 06:32 AM
I don't believe so -- Unboxer prints fine to my chat and I see this issue on a character I made 4 days ago that I haven't made any special chat tabs for. (Looking at that character now, everything is checked except for "NPC" and "Zone - *" (Where * is a stand-in for every language-specific zone filter, but the regular "Zone" is selected)

Resetting chat to the defaults changes nothing, so that does seem to be the standard issue thing.

That said, I just noticed WritWorthy is doing the same thing (logging to the debug log, but not to the actual UI) No clue why some (Unboxer) are working but others (Go Home and WritWorthy) aren't.

But it's not your problem, I guess, so I'll hammer away at this on my end, sorry for the spam on that particular issue.

Thanks for the quick resolution on the addon visibility bug.
By: static_recharge - 12/24/21 03:57 AM
I am unable to replicate the issue with /ghlist @Akbar do you have a chat tab that disables system dialogue or something?
By: Akbar - 12/23/21 07:17 AM
Addon updated today and now it shows up in Addons and /ghmenu and /gh # work fine. /ghlist still appears to be skipping my chat, but that's a minor issue comparatively.
By: Akbar - 12/21/21 08:56 PM
I might've spoken too soon. That shows the Addon in the list of Addons, and /ghmenu does bring up the menu. But /ghlist doesn't actually echo to chat (I do see it do the appropriate messages in the debug log) and /gh or /gh # (eg, the bare /gh or the /gh to get to a specific house) doesn't seem to do anything at all, in practice, chat echos, or debug logs.
By: Akbar - 12/21/21 08:49 PM
Renaming the directory in AddOns from GoHome-8.0.0 to just GoHome resolved the issue.
By: Akbar - 12/21/21 08:33 PM
I forgot to note that I also told Minion to delete all of the saved variables and that didn't help either.
By: Akbar - 12/21/21 08:32 PM
I'm seeing this behavior as well. I tried turning on the debug logs, but didn't see anything there (although I'm not sure what I'd see there, especially since the AddOn isn't showing in the AddOn list at all)