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Material issue not there.
Bug #: 4276
File: Inventory Insight
Date: 01/11/23 03:34 AM
By: Tiranak
Status: Unconfirmed
I just uninstall current mod with saved content, and reinstall mod to test for own bug.

somehow material is not tracked in insight ( only main weapon and armor and jewel , rest is not even showed, lost categories after jewel.

then you have none ESO version and use per charecter as store space then such things matter, and so is the other categories, depend on who store them. ( not even sure what wrong or maybe you forgot something because most just use it as item only,


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By: Tiranak - 01/11/23 03:50 AM
uninstal and delete saved values, seem to have fix this, ofc. reinstall again.

material seem to be present agan, test rest of the charecters atm.