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No braining
Bug #: 5307
File: FCO ChatTabBrain (Automatic chat tab&message channel switch)
Date: 04/08/24 06:48 AM
By: Kindiz
Status: Cant Reproduce
I've been trying to set chatbrain up for days now, but it doesn't understand what i want it to do.
I want to have a tab for each guild, and one for group, and I want the chat channel to change depending on which tab I'm using, but right now it's picking on random no matter what settings I change (in the brain addon or in the chat tab settings). It gives me a warning that I need to set the filters, which I've already done numerous times, and then it just randomly picks something I don't want as the channel for that tab.

I've also deactivated Chat Tab Selector addon to see if that helped, and it allowed me to manually activate the brain in two of my tabs and actually hold the settings, but for the third and out, no change.

Am I just doing something wrong or should I just get rid of this addon? I see it hasn't been updated in quite a while.

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By: Baertram - 04/08/24 07:45 AM
The addon is working still fine. No updates does not mean it's broken.
Before you test again disable ALL other addons to make sure no addon you are using in combination is somehow interfering there!
Make sure you got the newest version of this addon FCOCTB and the needed dependencies too!

If you setup the tabs's channels properly (right click the tab, choose Options/Settings and configure the needec chat channels ->checkbox on, and the not wanted -> checkbox off) to ONLY have the chat channel activated that the chat tab should hold -> That's the "chat filters", e.g.

Chat Tab 1 -> System (only available if pChat addon is enabled) Zone, Yell, Say, Monster say, Monster yell, and others
Chat Tab 2 -> Guild 1
Chat Tab 3 -> Guild 2
Chat Tab 4 -> Guild 3
Chat Tab 5 -> Group
Chat Tab 6 -> Whisper/Tell

and then setup FCO Chat Tab Brain's settings ->
Choose the tab for the appropriate channel.
e.g. Guild 1 -> Chat Tab 2
Guild 2 -> Chat Tab 3
and so on

Chat tab brain needs to be enabled AND the chat tab redirect needs to be enabled.
The brain alone does only remember the last used chat channel at the current tab.
The redirect will automatically change the chat channel to the tab's setup one, e.g. g1 for Chat tab 2 "Guild 1", if you press the return key to write something.
Then it should work.

If you got other addons enabled tahat e.g. copy over chat settings and tabs from other characters (e.g. pChat -> Chat synchronisation) this will get messed up so disable those features in the other addons.
pChat is basically compatible fine, if that is disabled. I'm using both addons since years without problems).

-If that all does not work please install and enable LibDebugLogger.
-Disable ALL other addons except FCOChatTabBrain and needed dependencies and LibDebugLogger.
-Reload UI.
-Write down current date and time 1) (I need that to check your LibDebugLogger files later)
-Configure the chat tabs according to your needs and make a screenshot of each chat tab settings for me
-Reload UI
-Write down current date and time 2)
-Check chat tab settings are still the same as you configured. If that is not the case you either got any other addon enabled that messes your chat tabs settings up, or your account got some trouble on the server (as they are server saved). For the latter you need to contact ZOs and raise a /bug please ingame!
-If chat tab settigs are still correct like you configured them:
Go to LAM settings of FCOChatTabBrain and configure the addon the way you want it to work. Read the tooltips for more info about the options.
-If you get an error message about "Chat filters need to be stup" please make a screenshot of it
-After all was setup do a /reloadui again
-Note date and time 4)
-Go to your live/SavedVariables folder in c:\user\windows user name\documents\elder scrolls online\live\SavedVariables and copy the file LibDebugLogger.lua
-Upload it here per drag&drop e.g.:
Then click on the Share button (top right) to generate a link

Send me an email to [email protected] with subject
FCOChatTabBrain not working as intended (3 seperate guild tabs)

-All screenshots of your chat tab settings and the error messages (filters needed) from above
-Your SavedVariables file of FCOChatTabBrain from:
c:\user\windows user name\documents\elder scrolls online\live\SavedVariable\FCOChatTabBrain.lua
-Date and times 1) to 4) from above
-Your @accontName from ingame so I can find it properly in the LibDebugLogger file
-Your charactername where the error happend so I can find it propelry in the LibDebugLogger file
-The LibDebugLogger link you have created

I've been trying to set chatbrain up for days now, but it doesn't understand what i want it to do.
I want to have a tab for each guild, and one for group, and I want the chat channel to change depending on which tab I'm using, but right now it's picking on random no matter what settings I change (in the brain addon or in the chat tab settings). It gives me a warning that I need to set the filters, which I've already done numerous times, and then it just randomly picks something I don't want as the channel for that tab

I'll have a look if I can use your settings and chat tabs configuration at my local account to rebuild it and see why it errors, or what is wrong.
