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Filter bug (Analysis)
Bug #: 963
File: FCO ItemSaver
Date: 07/17/14 04:09 PM
By: maward00
Status: Fixed
Excellent work

There is a bug where Analysis items show up in deconstruction... Bad, Bad... lol...
They should be filtered out of the deconstruction window--See below for you fix

The bug come in to play with the armor filter overriding the Analysis filter... you can probably fix it quick with a quick boolean check

And, just out of curiosity, can you change analysis to Research? Makes more sense...

Fixed your bug
You were using an elseif series instead of doing 3 different checks...
Here is your fix:

local function FilterSavedItems(self, bagId, slotIndex, ...)
if(settings.isFilterOn[1] and markedItems1[SignItemId(GetItemInstanceId(bagId, slotIndex))]) then
return true
if(settings.isFilterOn[2]) then
if(markedItems2[SignItemId(GetItemInstanceId(bagId, slotIndex))] or markedItems4[SignItemId(GetItemInstanceId(bagId, slotIndex))]) then
return true
if(settings.isFilterOn[3] and markedItems3[SignItemId(GetItemInstanceId(bagId, slotIndex))]) then
return true

local function FilterSavedItemsForShop(slot)
if(settings.isFilterOn[1] and markedItems1[MyGetItemInstanceId(slot)]) then
return false
if(settings.isFilterOn[2]) then
if(markedItems2[MyGetItemInstanceId(slot)] or markedItems4[MyGetItemInstanceId(slot)]) then
return false
if(settings.isFilterOn[3] and markedItems3[MyGetItemInstanceId(slot)]) then
return false
return true

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By: marmaladekitten - 08/15/19 09:04 PM
I didn't know where to put this. I tried putting this in the comments as instructed, but I wasn't allowed.
I got a bug report telling me to disable the addon multicraft. Answering the questions requested:
1) What did I do? Logged out of 5th character/toon and logged into my 4th character/toon - I was immediately prompted with the error.
2) Where did I do it? I'm in Summerset at the stable. I was looking right at the stablehand Sarohanar when it happened. I blame him.
3) Did I test if the error happens with only the addon AdvancedFilters UPDATED activated?... what? I'm not quite sure what this means, but I did update all my addons via Minion prior to going into this game and getting this error.
4) If error happens with other addons active: Which other addons were you using as the error happened? A lot... I have way too many to list them all sorry

Hope this helps. Thanks for the great work! Love this addon.
By: Baertram - 07/19/14 06:42 AM
Thanks for the hint and the source code changes.

I sometimes saw this behaviour too. When I enabled the gear filter AND the research filter, the research items where shown. If you disable the gear filter again, the research items where gone again.

Inside the research / deconstruction panel the items where shown red (if the research filter was enabled) and you are not able to destroy them though.

I'll check your changes and fix this bug.