View Feature Request
Multiple Search Selections
Feature #: 1752
File: AwesomeGuildStore
Date: 09/24/19 03:29 PM
By: Akillibirisi
Status: Feature not possible

I sometimes need different kind of items, when I do I save them all and click on each individually which, when there are too much of them can cost a lot of time.

Just wondering if the saved search bars were multi-selectable just like when selecting multiple instances with CTRL + Click in one of the search windows, it would be very convenient.

All selected searches would apply their own filters seperately and independent from each other, then list all the results under one window.

In this case a grouping feature to select all searches placed into a group at once instead of CTRL + Clicking each wanted searches every time would make it even better !

EXAMPLE: Looking for Elegant lining under 80 gold, perfect roe for under 8000 gold and a nirnhorned shield simultaneously.

Thank You ...

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By: sirinsidiator - 09/24/19 04:10 PM
As already answered several times in the comment section:
Originally Posted by sirinsidiator
The API doesn't allow to mix searches like that. It would be possible to do combined filters locally, but underneath it would have to request all items unfiltered, which takes several minutes. So the best you can do is set up a separate search for each item and then click through them one by one when visiting a store.
By: Akillibirisi - 09/24/19 05:12 PM
Sorry should've noticed that before..

Thanks again.