View Feature Request
A Few requests
Feature #: 467
File: Clock - Tamriel Standard Time - Legacy
Date: 06/25/14 03:03 PM
By: LegoManIAm94
Status: Feature Implemented
First off I love this mod, so much customization and I can actually get the time in the game and not have to set it up. But I have a few requests...

1-The screen position of the clock is always in the top left but I want to be able to choose what corners it sits in. Mostly I think it would be best in the top right since when I level up or a skills increase it shows that in the top left and the clock is overtop that feature.

2-The time always read like 01:44:24 but ill like it to read 1:44:24. Not a big deal but I would like this to be a new feature or to be apart of the am/pm feature.

3-This next feature will be great if you can do this but I doubt its not possible. If you could change the time like you can in the settings but lets say I log in and play and its 12:00am but I want to play in sunlight so you set the clock to 8:00am and the clock will change and the sun will instantly come up and night is over so we can control when its day or night. But again I don't think that feature is possible.

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By: Tyx - 07/10/14 08:37 AM
wow! It looks awesome.
I will definitely use it in the next update after my exams.
By: LegoManIAm94 - 07/09/14 12:40 PM
I made an icon for the clock application. You can use it if you want so it doesnt have that java icon. But you will need to convert it from a png to a ico so use the second link for that. Great app!
By: LegoManIAm94 - 07/03/14 02:27 PM
Wow thats a great start! This does help alot! Make sure you post a link on the add on page.
By: Tyx - 07/03/14 10:02 AM

I made a little Application (Java) to show the time and date offline.
Time and Date are maybe off (didn't test it yet) and if you change the Daylength it will not be safed - but it is only an alpha.

Have fun with it
By: Tyx - 07/02/14 02:33 PM
Yeah is a neat idea.
App coding is not my strong point, but maybe I could write a java applet (for the desktop) or a little Website for that, after my exams.
But it is not a priority.
By: LegoManIAm94 - 07/02/14 01:54 PM
Thank you for adding the option to remove the zeros and I didn't know about dragging the clock (My Bad). I also have one last request but this might now be possible too and its not a mod update. I got the clock so I know the game time and I look to see when the next morning will be since I hate playing in the night. But instead of logging into my game to see what time it is when I haven't played in a few days could you make a clock on a website where we go to or something to see what time it is and we can check it on a mobile device? Its not needed but it saves me time from logging on to check the time.
By: Tyx - 06/26/14 05:45 AM
thank you for leaving a feedback.
1. You can change the position of the Clock by drag and drop it to any corner you want
2. I can implement a option to change the zeros before a single number to only the single number in a future version. It shouldn't be to complicated to do so, but maybe a bit buggy because of the changed dimension... we will see
3. Yeah that would be great, but it is not possible. The time is serverwide the same, so maybe it is possible to change the look with hardcoding, like changing the memory^^, but not with standard lua mods.