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Western Skyrim and Markarth pins in the wrong lua folder
Bug #: 3336
File: HarvestMap
Date: 03/03/21 01:12 PM
By: PixelsCollide
Status: Not a Bug
Kind person/personette, I am here to kindly inform you that you have possibly maybe made a very very slight but very important **** up.

So (for me at least) I couldnt see any pins in Western Skyrim and Markarth (and their other areas) when using the DownloadNewData file. I think this was because the addon was looking for the pins inside the SavedVariables\HarvestMapNF.lua file instead of the HarvestMapDLC.lua file (HarvestMapDLC.lua being the file that the coordinates for the pins of Western Skyrim and Markarth would go to). The pins would still show up if I found them in the game world and would then appear in the HarvestMapNF.lua file.

I managed to fix it by putting the coordinates from the HarvestMapDLC file for the Western Skyrim and Markarth areas into the HarvestMapNF file (I have linked the file here:

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By: Shinni - 03/03/21 02:58 PM
Sounds like you are using an outdated version of HarvestMap. Version 3.14.11 is looking for the data in HarvestMapDLC.