Results: 6153Comments by: Baertram
File: Advanced Filters - No Bank08/15/19
Hey there, a user mentioned the...
Posted By: Baertram
Hey there, a user mentioned the following bug with your plugin: We have been having issues with the "No bank" filter that comes with that plugin "No Bank". It's not supposed to show anything which is in our banks, but if we visit the same crafting station without first zoning or something, it'll show everything in our bank l...
File: PerfectPixel08/15/19
Re: Re: New Issue
Posted By: Baertram
I think you need to see if @Baertram can say something, he changed something in crafting stations. I can’t check because I don’t have a game client. Nope, nothing changed there that could/would cause this. I mean, never say never, but the change just replaced a missing function in Scalebreaker patch (which was renamed by ZOs) at th...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated08/15/19
Re: Filter icons not showing properly
Posted By: Baertram
Any idea on this one? I can click the filters (and current filter shows highlighted), and the tooltips work, but before I click on them, I can't see the icons. Fresh download from as minion didn't give me the subfolders. Hm, never had this happen so far. Looks strange. Do you have the s...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated08/15/19
Re: Cant Enable it
Posted By: Baertram
Did you LOGOUT before updating the libraries and addons? Always logout before please. Maybe Minion tricked you. Try to logout, delete the AdvancedFilters folder manually (see ehre how to find your AddOns folder: and then download the ZIP file and install it man...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated08/15/19
Re: Error when opening the enchanting station
Posted By: Baertram
user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/main.lua:327: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/main.lua:327: in function 'ShowSubfilterBar' |caaaaaa craftingType = 3, UpdateListAnchors = user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/main.lua:250, doDebugOutput = false, subfilterGroupMissingForInvType = false, subfilt...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated08/15/19
Any idea why this is happening?...
Posted By: Baertram
Any idea why this is happening? user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/main.lua:327: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/main.lua:327: in function 'ShowSubfilterBar' user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/util.lua:748: in function 'Update' Thanks Same here like I say to every user: Please post WHEN thi...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated08/14/19
Re: Still bugged for me
Posted By: Baertram
I've used advanced filters for a long time. I appreciate you updating it! I've just uninstalled the previous version via Minion. I have all the Libxxxx add-ons installed. I am still getting errors/bug messages every time I open my inventory. I do not have the submenu bar at all in my inventory. Where do I find consumables->all filter...
File: FCO ItemSaver08/14/19
Auto junk addons tend to do somethi...
Posted By: Baertram
Auto junk addons tend to do something stupid some day so I'm not using them. And if I'm just moving the item to junk ta but do not autosell or destroy them. Every here and there I use AdvancedFilters plugins to selet items in the junk and then mark them with the FCOIS flag context menu -> which (if you got the settings enabled with...
File: FCO ItemSaver08/14/19
One mare question also regarding no...
Posted By: Baertram
One mare question also regarding non-set armor,weapons and jewlery making. Any way to make them automarked? I tryed to use mark items with quality but theres only option to exclude armors, weapon and jewlery but no option to mark those only (without research scrolls, maps etc). Something that could maybe added in future also, unless...
File: FCO ItemSaver08/14/19
Hi, thanks for the kind words. The...
Posted By: Baertram
Hi, thanks for the kind words. There currently is no way to remove a particular marker icon or exchange it by another. It's a 2step change, see "2nd approach" below. But why aren't you just changing the marker icon descriptions (if they are gear or dynamic icons) and the icon symbol and all your icons will look differently at the...
File: DoItAll (Mass Extract/Deconstruct/Move/Mail attach/...)08/14/19
Actually its nice to have a choce i...
Posted By: Baertram
Actually its nice to have a choce if you want to refine one by one using DoItAll. Would be nice if seperate keybind was added to ui for instant refine/deconstruct etc using new in game mechanic. That way you wont need to select items for decon as its still time consuming. It would be so much easier aspecially if one uses FCOIS...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated08/14/19
Re: Container filter
Posted By: Baertram
Oh right, I had changed some subfilters to support the containers for provisioning recipes (from the Master writ vendors). Guess I need to add some more. Please use the consumables->all filter fo the moment to show all containers. Same here applies to HansK post about the style page containers. Hi, the container filter (...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated08/14/19
Thanks for the info. Will have a l...
Posted By: Baertram
Thanks for the info. Will have a look tomorrow, currently on business trip. It somehow got to do with the loading of the different language strings, which was the prior error in line 328 as well. Not sure why, but I'll need to check this with different client languages. Sadly I did not get these error messages myself or I could de...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated08/14/19
Re: Odd Error
Posted By: Baertram
It's not related to this addon but to all your addons together. Please use the forum search for too many anchor and you'll find several threads about it. Thanks for your understanding that I'm not expressionist it here again. Hail, perhaps you could provide some insight into the error I am getting. It only shows up when this ad...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated08/13/19
Added a nil check. Not sure why thi...
Posted By: Baertram
Added a nil check. Not sure why this error happens as the texts/strings should be loaded properly at this time... Will have to check later this week. Hope thw fix will suppress the error message and make the addon work else.
File: Tamriel Trade Centre08/13/19
Yw. Got the error as well and just...
Posted By: Baertram
Yw. Got the error as well and just tried to make your great addon work again ;) The function RequestGuildHistoryCategoryOlder is not exisitng anymore and got replace with this function: From my info post in the update thread (
File: PerfectPixel08/13/19
Nah, if this would be the case "sca...
Posted By: Baertram
Nah, if this would be the case "scaling" the UI would break all addons ;) @Phakes Are you able to reproduce this error if ONLY PP and needed dependencies are enabled as well? Maybe it's another inventory management addon or even in base Vanilla UI it could happen? (Without any addon). Are you using any other inventory related a...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated08/12/19
If you disable all other addons, it...
Posted By: Baertram
If you disable all other addons, it's the error give then? If so please enable the other addons one after another(starting with the ones having to do with Crafting, and then the AdvancedFilters plug-ins) and tell me when it will throw an error again (list of addons activated then please). Are oh using the EN client or another la...
File: FCO ItemSaver08/12/19
Re: Re: Re: FCO Itemsaver settings gone walkabout
Posted By: Baertram
Hey, I did not see any e-mail sorry, also checked the anti-spam. Could you please send it again. Hi, please logout, then go to the SavedVariables folder and send me the file /live/SavedVariables/FCOItemSaver.lua Send it to my e-mail address please: [email protected] And specify in this email: -What sever you were palyi...
File: JoGroup Quick Update08/12/19
Hey there,thanks for updating one o...
Posted By: Baertram
Hey there,thanks for updating one of my beloved UI addons. But please DO NOT include the libraries loaded from your addon's manifest txt file! This might kill other addons. Read this wiki entry abouit libraries, especially the section "Shipped with your addon (loaded via your addon's txt manifest file -> maybe causing problems)"...
File: Grubmaster Food & Drink Auto Consume08/12/19
Hey there, please DO NOT include th...
Posted By: Baertram
Hey there, please DO NOT include the librraies loaded from your addon's manifest txt file! This might kill other addons. Read this wiki entry abouit libraries, especially the section "Shipped with your addon (loaded via your addon's txt manifest file -> maybe causing problems)" please: If you rea...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated08/12/19
Yep, the Multicraft addon is now ki...
Posted By: Baertram
Yep, the Multicraft addon is now kind of useless and breaks other addons, as the base game's Vanilla UI got an implemented own "multicraft" now. Error on RuneTable keine Ahnung wieso :confused: EDIT: hat sich erledigt, war MultiCraft. Addon deaktiviert, kein Fehler... alles in Ordnung :banana:
File: Tamriel Trade Centre08/12/19
The function RequestGuildHistoryCat...
Posted By: Baertram
The function RequestGuildHistoryCategoryOlder is not exisitng anymore and got replace with this function: From my info post in the update thread ( basically RequestGuildHistoryCategoryNewest is gone and RequestGuildHistoryCategor...
File: Advanced Filters - Updated08/11/19
Re: Re: Re: PTS
Posted By: Baertram
Just found the items you mean but they need the achievement "For the queen" finished which I have but as I got no writvouchers to buy them ... Same problem :mad: PTS is not granting achievement results, too bad. Bt it gives writ vouchers. Great, not going to quest the whole quests and doing master writs to get the vouchers, sorry....
File: Addon Selector (Save AddOn profiles/packs)08/11/19
Therefore Votans Addon List is best...
Posted By: Baertram
Therefore Votans Addon List is best as it will check this and only disable libraries if no using addon is currently enabled. Never heard of it. Would need to take a look. See my description of this addon/dependency helper 3 posts below Edit: Updated the addon to no use LiBStub anymore. Everything else is the same :p