Results: 780Comments by: Masteroshi430
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]11/27/23
Re: Found an issue
Posted By: Masteroshi430
My addon auto deconstructs ALL items even if i have the Ornate Trait turned off. Do you have FCOitem saver?
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]11/26/23
Never mind, sorry. Restarting Mini...
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Never mind, sorry. Restarting Minion and the game resolved the issue. good ;)
File: MiniMap by Fyrakin [Masteroshi430's branch]11/26/23
Ah ok, I understand now, the minico...
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Ah ok, I understand now, the minicompass kind of masks the text, the compass would do that too but it isn't positioned on the text. The minicompass is just the compass resized and placed above the minimap, I don't want to modify too much things. Can you please test this? : line 4555 of MiniMap.lua we have ZO_CompassFrame:SetD...
File: BiteTimers11/25/23
Hi there, That add-on doesn't dis...
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Hi there, That add-on doesn't display when you hide the compass with another add-on. You probably did this to hide it when menus are displaying? EDIT: maybe you should use this instead: not SCENE_MANAGER:IsInUIMode()
File: MiniMap by Fyrakin [Masteroshi430's branch]11/25/23
Posted By: Masteroshi430
For whatever reason I cannot make a new comment altogether but... My Bite Timers addon suddenly disappeared and I disabled every addon and started putting them back one-by-one and reloading. Thorough, but a pain in the derriere. This is what I found: Compass & Mini Compass Options - Hide Compass - set to On -- it hides the Bite...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]11/24/23
Re: Couldnt use individual rule
Posted By: Masteroshi430
I have 15 toons in my account. But my doragonknight tank toon cant use this rule, he is only. But other items move to bank. Is there a possibility of character exclusion settings or bugs? Which rule is that? We have a rule to prevent transfer to bank if lazy crafter has an ongoing writ, has your character finished all his dut...
File: Synced Account Settings [Masteroshi430's branch]11/23/23
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Automatic Quest Tracking not working w/gamepadui
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Yes, the setting is ON and I saved with it on. Still resets to OFF if Account Settings is active. Only preserves states when Account Settings addon is disabled (unchecked in addons list) I tried several times switching the setting and saving it and switching characters and it works flawlessly for me. EDIT: oh it's gamepad UI? I...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]11/23/23
Re: Treasure
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Hi - I'm finding that marking treasure as junk is producing inconsistent results in that it seems hit and miss as to when it works. I believe I know why though. I think it has to do with the order the if/elseif statements in PAJunk.lua. If lines 651-664 are inverted to the following, it resolves the problem.: elseif itemType ==...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]11/22/23
Re: Auto research
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Hey! new auto research update is amazing great work! Can you add one little change to not check for extraction passives for research? I would like to have auto refine/decon checking that but auto research dont have anything to do with it and it looks like those 'safety checks' blocking auto research Ah yes, if you use decon + refi...
File: MiniMap by Fyrakin [Masteroshi430's branch]11/22/23
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Sure: I'll also add: I tried resetting the addon to its defaults (with the button at the bottom of the addon panel, not the e.g. "wheel mode defaults) and then flipping the mini compass toggle, and the issue persists. So if it's a conflict between 2 settings, they're at least default set...
File: MiniMap by Fyrakin [Masteroshi430's branch]11/21/23
Hmm, strange. I disabled every addo...
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Hmm, strange. I disabled every addon and lib except for this and LibAddonMenu, and still get the issue. I also tried reinstalling both. Is there a file or anything I can provide that might help? Can you do a short video of the bug happening?
File: Synced Account Settings [Masteroshi430's branch]11/21/23
Re: Re: Re: Automatic Quest Tracking not working w/gamepadui
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Yes, the setting is ON and I saved with it on. Still resets to OFF if Account Settings is active. Only preserves states when Account Settings addon is disabled (unchecked in addons list) I tried several times switching the setting and saving it and switching characters and it works flawlessly for me. EDIT: oh it's gamepad UI? I...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]11/21/23
Re: auto-research
Posted By: Masteroshi430
hi! first, thank you so much for folding in auto-research. it is *super* helpful; research is one of those things that quickly becomes a challenge to keep track of. it worked well, slotting in the various research items automatically when I visited the crafting stations today. :) first, I'd like it to only use items with an...
File: MiniMap by Fyrakin [Masteroshi430's branch]11/20/23
Re: Notifications broke
Posted By: Masteroshi430
I've been having an issue since the latest update. The game's text notifications -- like when you invite someone to a group, invite someone to trade, try to place a furnishing when house is at cap, etc -- aren't working. They show up as just a "." with no text. I disabled all addons except this one to test. It seems to be the min...
File: Synced Account Settings [Masteroshi430's branch]11/18/23
Re: Automatic Quest Tracking not working w/gamepadui
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Hi! I noticed that Automatic Quest Tracking was added recently, thank you! There is a bug where Synced Account settings seems to ALWAYS set Auto-Quest Tracking to "OFF" even if I saved it as ON. This only seems to affect gamepad ui, but I haven't tested extensively with keyboard ui. Did you set Automatic Quest Tracking to On in ga...
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]11/18/23
Re: Treasure
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Hi - I'm finding that marking treasure as junk is producing inconsistent results in that it seems hit and miss as to when it works. I believe I know why though. I think it has to do with the order the if/elseif statements in PAJunk.lua. If lines 651-664 are inverted to the following, it resolves the problem.: elseif itemType ==...
File: Unboxer11/16/23
Re: Blackwood Coffer
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Playing around with this addon. Turned on the options to unbox everything. Blackwood Coffer containers don't seem to be opening with this addon. Are they supported? Item ID for the container: 203568 Edit: I think this is part of the event that started today. As well as the "Glorious Blackwood Coffer" - ID 203566. yes,...
File: Unboxer11/16/23
Here's a patch I used (tested only...
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Here's a patch I used (tested only once, needs translations): Uboxer - Archival fortunes patch Your patch is missing the content of the file ArchivalFortunes.lua, unfortunately. :( I added it in latest update, read the changelog...
File: PinAutoResizer11/15/23
Re: Is it normal to have delays?
Posted By: Masteroshi430
The effects of this plugin work and run perfectly in my game without errors.The only problem is that there will be a delay in icon scaling. When switching any map, the original icon will be displayed first, and then immediately change to a smaller icon, instead of showing the small icon at the beginning. Is this the design of the plu...
File: RuESO11/12/23
Hi there! :) I'm both maintainin...
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Hi there! :) I'm both maintaining Unboxer & Minimap by Fyrakin. The changelog on your site is terribly translated by google translate, has the problem with Unboxer have being fixed for Russian language? I solved a display problem for the map location name in minimap by Fyrakin for non english languages, it will be in next updat...
File: MiniMap by Fyrakin [Masteroshi430's branch]11/11/23
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hieroglyphs.
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Is this display bug occurring with game language set to Russian and without the RuESO addon? Yes, indeed, it's all because of the RuESO, I switched to the English version of the game and there was no such error, with RuESO there is. Then I'll go to them. All the best and thanks for the useful addon)) I have this bug solved f...
File: MiniMap by Fyrakin [Masteroshi430's branch]11/11/23
Re: Wayshrines Not Appearing
Posted By: Masteroshi430
You may be aware of this already, but wayshrines sometimes don't show up on the mini map. It happens in random zones and at random times, not associated with anything in particular. They don't always fail to show up, however, and reloading the UI brings them back when they do. I am up to date with my addons and I have not added...
File: MiniMap by Fyrakin [Masteroshi430's branch]11/11/23
Re: Re: Re: Hieroglyphs.
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Hi, I can remove these but we first need to troubleshoot: Are these on every map name or only that one? Do you use the RuESO addon? I have visited different locations/zones and there are no such hieroglyphs anywhere, only in Elden Root. Yes, I use an addon RuESO. Is this display bug occurring with game language set to Rus...
File: MiniMap by Fyrakin [Masteroshi430's branch]11/11/23
Re: Hieroglyphs.
Posted By: Masteroshi430
Hieroglyphs next to the name of the location. Hi, I can remove these but we first need to troubleshoot: Are these on every map name or only that one? Do you use the RuESO addon?
File: PersonalAssistant (Banking, Consume, Junk, Loot, Repair, Worker) [Masteroshi430's branch]11/10/23
Re: AutoResearch support?
Posted By: Masteroshi430
I wondered if you would like to integrate support for Auto Research, which fills research slots, y'know, automatically. I've taken a brief look at both bits of code, and it seems like it would be less than trivial to get a good implementation, or reimplement, but not impossible. If you would accept code for PAWorker to add r...