Shadowfen's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Interface Comment Reverse Sort Order
3843 Value sort option disfunctional 04/10/22 04:42 AM cumod Unconfirmed Auto Category - Revised None.
5332 Auto Category throwing UI Error as of July 26 update 07/26/24 12:23 AM shava23 Fixed Auto Category - Revised None.
5327 Inventory vanishing 07/05/24 09:49 AM Calculus08 Fixed Auto Category - Revised None.
3066 Cant copy strings with any collectibles linked 07/23/20 02:25 AM Marazota Wont fix rChat
By: Marazota
07/24/20 10:56 AM
3048 cant copy AGS system messages 07/10/20 01:34 AM Marazota Wont fix rChat
By: Shadowfen
07/30/20 09:42 PM
3039 rChat skipping emotes. 07/07/20 05:45 PM theauthor13 Fixed rChat
By: Shadowfen
07/30/20 09:44 PM
3282 Lua error when quitting rChat 11/18/20 09:42 AM Shadowfen Fixed rChat
By: Shadowfen
11/18/20 06:53 PM
3281 Quick reply not working since the Reach came out 11/18/20 09:38 AM Shadowfen Fixed rChat
By: Shadowfen
11/18/20 09:52 PM
3283 Missing name on whispers 11/18/20 09:45 AM Shadowfen Fixed rChat
By: Shadowfen
11/18/20 09:52 PM
3284 ThiefTools does not appear to be working, but no errors. 11/19/20 02:00 PM Shadowfen Not a Bug Thief Tools
By: Shadowfen
11/19/20 06:58 PM