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Resource Managment/ FPS Drop
Bug #: 1899
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker
Date: 01/06/17 01:06 PM
By: Dexxadude
Status: Awaiting Feedback
Since using Srendarr I have noticed a considerable drop in performance and FPS.
I normally run with 75 FPS in most areas but not anymore. I troubleshooted it down to this addon.
My friend also downloaded this and said he normal gets high FPS on ultra but for some reason gets less and could no longer run on ulta and noted he also uses this addon.
Unfortunately I'm unsure as to what causes it and I'm quite sadden actually as its the best buff tracking app for the game but cant justify the microstuttering and FPS drops for the sake of 1 addon, hopefully you will find the issue.
It reduces the FPS overtime and then remain permanently. I'm not sure if its the games inability to provide the right memory for addons?


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By: Phinix - 02/21/17 03:17 PM
I haven't heard any other reports of performance degradation with Srendarr nor do I experience it personally with a less than optimal rig. The addon should be fairly performance friendly, but I will look into the inner workings some more and see if there are ways to lower the memory footprint.
Do you get the "you are running out of LUA memory" message?