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Consolidated multi-auras
Bug #: 1905
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker
Date: 02/04/17 06:13 AM
By: mackari
Status: Flagged for Future Version
i think there's a bug with consolidated multi-auras option.
If you slot Flames of Oblivion you acquire 2 effects: Major Prophecy and Major Brutality.
With consolidated multi-auras option checked, the addon shows Flames of Oblivion generic effect, and this is ok. But if I uncheck that option, only the first effect, Major Prophecy is visible, while the other one not. I think they should be both visible.

Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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By: Phinix - 02/21/17 03:14 PM
Hmm, will probably require ability-specific workaround as Srendarr checks a database of major buffs and grabs the first one it detects. I will look into it.