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Tool steals mousepointer permanent
Bug #: 2058
File: ESO Master Recipe List
Date: 08/25/17 06:08 AM
By: RobbyCologne
Status: Cant Reproduce
Great tool but I uninstalled it!
Why: the tool "steals" the mousepointer permanent.
What do I mean: Whenever you open the addon and worked with it (for example doing a search) and then go back to the normal ESO - UI the mousepointer is lost. You have to restore is by hitting the key “.” (Point-key). Up to now no problem. But when you then open the normal inventory with key “i” and then leave the inventory the mousepointer is lost again. Again I have to hit the key “.” to restore the pointer.
So the tools modifies the whole UI in a way that it does not function properly after a first use of "ESO Master Recipe List".
I have to reload the complete UI to undo this bug!

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By: Phinix - 08/30/17 06:26 PM
It is normal that the addon toggles cursor mode (default '.' key) when you open it, so that you can move the mouse around to use the list. It should also toggle back when the addon is closed by any means (or if you move your character). This is a built-in game function (part of the scene manager). If it isn't working then likely some other addon is hooking into the scene manager in a dirty way that is causing problems.