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Researchable Omits Ace Adeya (Character In Play)
Bug #: 2284
File: Harven's Trait and Style
Date: 08/12/18 11:49 AM
By: Shadowshire
Status: Unconfirmed
The following screenshot was made while the Bags inventory for Ace Adeya was displayed on the HUD:

It omits the character in play from the list following "Researchable for:".

Trait Buddy 6.0 displays the data for the same item (Platinum Necklace, trait Healthy) correctly:

By the way, Ace Quartermaster is currently a "mule toon" for which Trait Buddy is not loaded, so that is why he is omitted from that list.

As the newscaster Paul Harvey used to end each syndicated broadcast, "So now you know." ;)

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By: Harven - 08/20/18 04:25 AM
check if you have this character enabled in addons option. Each character can be enabled/disabled.