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Target debuffs disappearing
Bug #: 2347
File: Srendarr - Aura, Buff & Debuff Tracker
Date: 11/06/18 12:49 PM
By: mr_g
Status: Unconfirmed
According to your patch notes this bug is supposed to be fixed, but it still exists in the current version 2.4.14.

I tested it on my MagDK (i.e. with Burning Embers) and it worked just fine when I applied Burning Embers on overland mobs. Even after moving the cursor away from the target and back again, the debuff would still display. But then I did dungeons (we had no other DK in the group who's skills could have interfered with mine), the Burning Embers debuff always disappeared after moving my cursor away from the target and back again. Another group member confirmed as well, that his target debuffs were disappearing. So the bug obviously cannot be reproduced on every mob but at least in (certain?) dungeons the bug still exists.

Would be great if you could fix this bug, because I would love to use your otherwise great addon. Thank you!

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By: Phinix - 11/06/18 06:31 PM
I can certainly look into it, however from what you describe I am thinking this may be a game behavior.

You have to understand how the mod gets data about what buffs and debuffs are on a target. When you move your mouse over a target, or off then back, an 'event' gets triggered in the game engine (EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_CHANGED) which sends a signal to any subscribing functions.

In Srendarr when this happens, the addon then uses another API function (GetUnitBuffInfo) to basically ask the game 'what buffs or debuffs are on this target?' The addon can only work with what the game actually sends to it. If the game says there are no buffs or debuffs then that would be a game bug, and the reason they display until you move your mouse away is because the event only updates the auras Srendarr tracks when an event occurs.

I think it is more likely however that this is a game bug involving the flag that determines whether a buff/debuff was cast by the player or someone else. The game tracks this with a field in the data of a buff, with a different number value indicating the source of the cast. My guess is that there is a bug in the game itself where once an ability is cast this flag is corrupted or reset improperly somehow, or overwritten by auras with the same name or similar effects.

There is nothing Srendarr could really do to work around this, as it is not realistic to show all buffs/debuffs regardless of whom they were cast by. In a raid or even a dungeon, there would be literally dozens of auras filling your screen from every ability and effect and passive from everyone else around you (including monsters).

Srendarr needs to be able to rely on this flag being set and maintained properly by the game in order to function and properly show only things cast by the player in places where it is appropriate. If the game is resetting or changing this flag improperly then it is a bug which must be fixed on ZOS's side. I will investigate when I can and send my findings to their dev team so they can take a look at it.
By: Phinix - 11/06/18 06:37 PM
UPDATE: I am currently thinking this is a bug with other players' abilities which cause the burning DoT (fire staff procs, Psijic light attacks, etc.) overwriting the DoT from Burning Embers. Either the game is not properly tracking separate instances of the burning DoT like it used to with Crusher and other enchants before ZOS recently fixed that, or else it is still tracking multiple sources but overwriting the 'Source' flag with whomever put the most recent application in all instances of the DoT.

My experience tells me it is most likely the former but I want to say that was fixed a few game patches back so maybe you could test it? Get a buddy with a fire staff and the Psijic light attack ability and have him weave the Psijic ability and light attack over and over until he procs burning while your Embers is on the target, and see if it disappears from the target dummy when this happens.

Doing this in a controlled environment like a target dummy will help with the report I ultimately send to ZOS.
By: mr_g - 11/07/18 04:52 PM
I did some testing on a training dummy together with a friend. Both of us were using the latest version of Srendarr (2.4.15).

Test Case 1:
I am on my own (DK), nobody else is interfering. I apply Elemtal Drain. I look away and back again. Elemental Drain is still visible in Srendarr and the ESO buff window.

Test Case 2:
I am on my own (DK), nobody else is interfering. I apply Burning Embers. I look away and back again. Burning Embers is still visible in Srendarr and the ESO buff window.

Test Case 3:
I am on my own (DK), nobody else is interfering. I apply Engulfing Flames. I look away and back again. Engulfing Flames is still visible in Srendarr and the ESO buff window.

Test Case 4:
I am on my own (DK), nobody else is interfering. I apply Elemental Drain, Burning Flames and Engulfing Flames. I look away and back again. All buffs are still visible in Srendarr and the ESO buff window (even if Burning procs).

Test Case 5:
Now this is where it gets weird: My friend is on his Templar. I am NOT interfering with any skills. He applies Elemental Drain. He looks away and back again. Elemtal Drain is NOT visible in Srendarr any more but still displays in the ESO buff window!!!

Test Case 6:
I apply Burning Embers. I look away. My friend applies Elemtal Drain on his Templar. I look at the target again. Burning Embers is still visible in both Srendarr and the ESO buff window.

Test Case 7:
I apply Burning Embers. I look away. My friend casts Elemtal Weapon and procs Burning with it. I look at the target again. Burning Embers is NOT visible in Srendarr any more but still visible in the ESO buff window.

Test Case 8:
Now it gets really weird. We do the same thing as in Test7. I apply Burning Embers. I look away. My friend casts Elemtal Weapon and procs Burning with it. I look at the target again. Burning Embers is STILL visible in Srendarr and also visible in the ESO buff window. We repeated this test over and over.... the results varied from try to try.

Test Case 9:
Tested it with Engulfing Flames (multiple times as well). I look away. My friend casts Elemental Weapon and procs Burning. I look at the target again. Most of the time Engulfing Flames will be gone in Srendarr but still visible in the ESO buff window. Sometimes it will be visible in both buff windows.

This whole behaviour is very inconsistent. I don't see anything related causing it. But it's a fact that the bug is there. And to me it seems like it is a bug with Srendarr considering the ESO buff window ALWAYS showed the buffs correctly while Srendarr didn't. According to my friend multiple targeted debuffs (if not even all) are affected by the bug. I.e. he also mentioned that he saw the bug happening with Force Siphon and other skills as well.