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Some recipes, when selected from Recipe page, are causing MRL to switch tracked recipes.
Bug #: 2414
File: ESO Master Recipe List
Date: 04/30/19 01:32 AM
By: Veredus
Status: Unconfirmed
I wanted to use MRL to track all ingredients for my basic provisioning writs and I came across some issues. Some recipes, when tracked, will somehow cause the MRL add-on to deselect it and then mark another recipe. Here are the exact things I did:
  1. I started by clearing all tracked recipes.
  2. I marked the tier 1 provisioning writ recipes, based on the list here.
  3. I went to the ingredient tab and pressed the icon to 'Mark all tracked recipe ingredients'.

However, following this I noticed that some ingredients for the recipes were not being marked. As an example, 'Four-Eye Grog' should have marked Wheat and Seaweed but Seaweed was unmarked. To check I cleared all tracked recipes and ingredients and marked only the 'Four-Eye Grog' recipe. I went to the ingredient tab and tried again. That's when I noticed neither Wheat or Seaweed was being marked and instead Potato, Red Meat, Guts and Violet Coprinus had been marked. When I checked my recipe list, I noticed that Four-Eye Grog had been unmarked and, after checking a Wiki, found that instead it had marked 'Orzorga's Blood Price Pie'.

I thought it might be another add-on like Craftstore interfering so I disabled all my add-ons aside from ESO MRL, reloaded my UI and tested this again. It had the same result, even marking the 'Orzorga's Blood Price Pie' recipe again.

I'm not sure if this will be very helpful but here are some things I discovered:

The marked recipe appears to change after:
  1. Switching to the ingredient tab
  2. Closing the MRL window
  3. Clicking within the search box
  • I thought it might only be happening to recipes with more than one ingredient but the bug happened when I tried selecting 'Baked Apples' and MRL marked and tracked the ingredients for 'Baked Potato'.
  • Recipes being marked by MRL are not random but are somehow linked to the recipe they are unmarking - if you mark 'Fresh Apples and Eidar Cheese', MRL unmarks it and selects 'Pickled Carrot Slurry' every time, 'Gilane Garlicky Greens' always gets replaced by 'Rabbit Corn Chowder' etc.
  • However the reverse isn't true - marking 'Rabbit Corn Chowder' showed the correct ingredients, 'Baked Potato' is replaced by 'Beef and Beets Pasty'.
  • Recipes in the 'Meat dishes' category seem to be marking the right ingredients.
  • The recipe being marked by MRL isn't necessarily in the same category as the recipe you selected.
  • All drinks, except for those under the 'Alcoholic Drinks, can't be tracked at all. The star just disappears when you try to click it.
  • The special categories (Psijic, Clockwork etc.) have the same problem with being unselectable.
  • However you can track these recipes from the list if you use the rank filter buttons or the search box.
  • When using the Rank filters or the search box, recipes are correctly marked when clicked and don't change. If you use the search box or Rank filters to find an affected recipe i.e 'Baked Apples' and mark it, it won't change and using the ingredient tab will mark the correct ingredients. However if you go back to the recipe list and click once on 'Baked Apples', it will then mark 'Baked Potato' but it won't unmark 'Baked Apples'. However, if you use the search function or Rank filters you can un-mark it.

Sorry for the wall of text but hopefully something in there will be helpful in tracking down what's causing this.