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When Addon is active, hitting ESC crashes UI.
Bug #: 2594
File: LibHarvensAddonSettings
Date: 03/28/20 04:05 AM
By: anthony_arndt
Status: Unconfirmed
Hey! I know you haven't been updating your addons for years. But they've been working great and I've been using a lot of them ever since you created them. I just added your Dwemer clock about a year ago. I started playing with my son more, he's 5 now, and I needed a more obvious way to keep an eye on the time.

I don't know enough about addons to know why, but there's something specific to your addons that, as of the update this week (PC EU, 23 March 2020), there's something broken in all of them.

The bug is that when one of your addons is active, if you have any menu open, ESC works as normal to close the menu and return you to the game. HOWEVER, if you have do not have any menus open, hitting ESC crashes your UI. No menu options, no compass, no cursor. Just the chatbox and any addon UI elements. So you can still type /reloadui or /logout into the chatbox but as soon as you his ESC the UI crashes again.

This is a list of your addons that I was using. They all crashed the UI:
Haven's Addon Settings
Haven's Custom Map Pins (Markers)
Haven's Dwemer Clock
Haven's Improved Skills Window
Haven's Thieves Troves Marker
Haven's Trait and Style
Votan's Cartographer (for Haven's Haven's Custom Map Pins (Markers))

To find out which addon was doing it, I unchecked "allow out-of-date addons" and hit /reloadui. ESC worked as normal.
Then I checked it and unchecked all out of date addons manually. Hit /reloadui. ESC worked as normal.
Then I checked the first out of date addon and hit /reloadui. ESC worked as normal.
Repeated down to your first addon in my list and hit /reloadui. ESC crashed the UI.
Typed /logout in the chatbox to get back to character select, deselcted your first addon and moved on to the next.
Same results and process for for all of your addons.
Moved on to the next out of date addon and it worked.
Repeated process until the end of the list.
All worked except for yours.
I wish I knew enough about addons to know why the update only broke yours.
If you ever do come back to ESO and see this, I do appreciate the work you did on these addons and have enjoyed using them for the past 5 years.

I'll CC this to all the addons I had installed.