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LUA error thrown
Bug #: 2608
File: ESO Master Recipe List
Date: 04/07/20 03:16 AM
By: Kracor
Status: Not a Bug
I had loaded an Add-On titled Urich's Skill Point Finder after exiting ESO to my desktop. Used Minion to find and add the add-on. As soon as I loaded back into the game, I began receiving these errors. I don't have to do anything in the game. About every 20-30 seconds, another LUA error is thrown.
As soon as I turned off Urich's Skill Point Finder and reloaded my UI, the errors ceased.

user:/AddOns/MasterRecipeList/bin/SetupPreFrames.lua:707: function expected instead of nil
stack traceback:
user:/AddOns/MasterRecipeList/bin/SetupPreFrames.lua:707: in function 'GetUnitTitle_original'
|caaaaaa<Locals> unitTag = "reticleover", oTitle = "" </Locals>|r
user:/AddOns/DolgubonsLazySetCrafter/Libs/LibCustomTitles/LibCustomTitles.lua:219: in function 'GetUnitTitle'
|caaaaaa<Locals> unitTag = "reticleover" </Locals>|r
ESOUI/Libraries/Utility/ZO_PrimaryPlayerName.lua:46: in function 'ZO_GetSecondaryPlayerNameWithTitleFromUnitTag'
|caaaaaa<Locals> unitTag = "reticleover", name = "Lesana Darkelf" </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/UnitFrames/UnitFrames.lua:1370: in function 'UnitFrame:UpdateCaption'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{neverHideStatusBar = T, hidden = F, lastPowerType = 0, style = "ZO_TargetUnitFrame", showBarText = 0, animateShowHide = T, unitTag = "reticleover", hasTarget = T}, captionLabel = ud, caption = "", unitTag = "reticleover" </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/UnitFrames/UnitFrames.lua:1047: in function 'UnitFrame:RefreshControls'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1] </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/UnitFrames/UnitFrames.lua:1455: in function 'ZO_UnitFrames_UpdateWindow'
|caaaaaa<Locals> unitTag = "reticleover", unitChanged = T, unitFrame = [table:1] </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/UnitFrames/UnitFrames.lua:1887: in function 'OnReticleTargetChanged'
|caaaaaa<Locals> evt = 131118 </Locals>|r

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By: Phinix - 04/08/20 02:23 PM
This sounds like Ulrich's addon is hooking the same function for modifying titles but is either out of date or has a problem with how their hook functions and is causing other instances of the function to crash. I would post this error on their addon page to make them aware of it.