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Mouseover recipe generates UI error
Bug #: 2645
File: ESO Master Recipe List
Date: 05/27/20 10:46 AM
By: Fraethir
Status: Unconfirmed
Just a heads up. In Greymoor, seeing errors with mouseovers on recipies (generally ones known by someone). I'm a raw novice in isolating addon errors (and addon interation problems) but wanted you to know since your changelog is showing active development.

UI error window output
Warning: Spoiler

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By: Fraethir - 05/27/20 10:59 AM
I did spot check against Urich's Skill Point Finder since I saw the bug report about the title hook, but having that disabled did not change the mouseover behavior.
I was going to test against all out-dated marked addons off, but my version 1.56.39 seems to be the most current, is Greymoor 6.0.5 supported according to minion, but shows as one of the the out-of-date addons. I presume the downrev warning comes from LibAddonMenu-2.0 being marked as out of date, but it's an assumption.

I did test with only the Master Recipe addon active, and the same thing happened on mouseover. The recipe is "Surilie Syrah Wine".
Doing /mrl I see the recipe on my known list.
Performed a /mrl update (with just the one addon running) and no longer get the error.
Re-enabled all of the other addons, and no error.

So a /mrl update seems to have fixed it... but I did this shortly after greymoor launched (along with completely uninstalling and reinstalling) and it seems to have popped up again? How often should updates be run?
By: Phinix - 05/27/20 11:54 AM
If you can please do me a favor and disable FurnitureCatalogue as well. That is another addon mentioned that hooks inventory and is generating errors, and may be responsible until it is updated.