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Hi, i am the Co-Author of the Addon BeamMeUp feel free to check it out.
09/25/18 03:27 PM by: Gamer1986PAN
Welcome to Gamer1986PAN's new author portal. This is where you can find my news, report bugs, submit feature requests, read the faq and more. Thanks for stopping by!

You need to install the following librarys to activate BeamMeUp. You can install them with Minion or download them following the link.

  1. LibAddonMenu-2.0
  2. LibDialog
  3. LibMapPing
  4. LibCustomMenu
  5. LibSlashCommander
  6. LibZone

For Bank Manager Revived - Slim Edition you need the following:
  1. LibResearch
  2. LibAddonMenu-2.0